Upcoming Changes in Splinterlands Ranked Battles

Splinterlands game has announced some upcoming changes on ranked battles. This was awaited that earlier they also indicated that the team is working on to introduce some changes and finally they have announced it. The current season will be ending on 29th February, and they have planned to push these changes in the game on the same day once the new season starts. I believe that building a game is important, but changes are equally important to keep the community engaged and I have always seen that the splinterlands team does a time to time. It might take some time to be familiar with the changes but if things go well then it turns out to be an even better experience on the game. Even their happy in multiple changes in the past and so far, every experiment and the change has done well for the ecosystem.

With this scheme that they have announced seems good and it will also help new player to have better experience in the game. I think that we need to have more new players in the game and for that such changes are necessary because in the current scenario it is not easy for new players to survive and stay long associated with the game. You can read the official announcement post here


Although you can go through the official announcement to see what are the changes that they have shared, and it will give you a brief idea but some of the changes which I like are discussed here.

  • They will be removing the limits for the league which I think is good because now anyone can play in any league without any restriction. It is not applicable for the novice players, but league will be removed completely. After this change the league will reflect the rating range and will not be the same that we have as of now.
  • They are also removing the leaderboard from all the leaks except for champions. As of now we have multiple leaderboards on different league and to be honest I have never become part of any leader board for a long time, so this change is not going to affect me. It will affect players who have been part of the leaderboard consistently, but I hope this change will also be good.
  • For SPS reward pool now there will not be reward pool according to league state we will have just two reward pool which will be distributed among modern and wild game format. It is simplifying the reward pool and not much confusion will be there anymore to understand how it works.
  • Matchmaking will be done based on the rating and not by the league which I think will be good because we will be matched with the right player having the similar rating.
  • The rating system is going to be changed in a big way because now they are removing the option to go to advance league. They are going to make it simple that with any win we will get twenty points and similarly when we lose there will be two oh point on the rating. Earlier we were not losing the point in case of losing on the battle but now it will be there however with streak we have the option to earn 40 points. This is one of the biggest changes I would say, and player might need some time to be familiar with this change.


  • We have energy system in place which means when our energy balance is utilised then we can buy more from the market through dec token. After this change the cost of energy will increase according to rating range. I use the energies sometimes when I feel like I have time and my energy count is low so that I can play more. It helps because by having more energies I can play more battles which can help me to level up my league overall that results in better reward.


Just three more days left for the changes to take effect in the game and maybe in the beginning there can be chaos among players to get familiar with the change, but I hope things will settle down soon. The team has also mentioned that they will keep an eye on the feedback and will make changes if required. Now I look forward to seeing how these changes are going to improve the overall gaming experience and I hope all these should be fun.

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I believe this will have a big impact on the game in general, I can't wait to see how everything will play out


I also think so. hope it will be more fun after this change


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Ah! I used to feel very bad when I had got 3000 and above ratings player with max level cards after just unlocking Dimond league. With the change I can improve my rating battling with similar rating players.
