Dream Of Blessing

“Is this real or just a dream, just as before?” Michelle said, wiping her eyes to know if it was reality.
“So it wasn't a dream”, she said.

Michelle was not herself after the countless dreams, but still managed to go to work. When she got to work, Bisi, her friend, asked, “What's the problem with you today? You have been the jovial type, but today I can see that something is eating you up”.
“You are right since I had no one to share it with at home, I had to remain this way”, Michelle said while her eyes were heavy with teardrops.

“OK, just tell me what it is. I think I would be in the best place to hold your secret”, Bisi said politely.
“I have been having this dream of seeing a white dove descending from above. The whiteness knows no bounds. The dove would land straight on top of my head and if I made any attempt to catch it, it would fly in a particular direction. But I would not want to go ahead to follow it, not until one day when it was just too frequent, I decided to follow the dove in its direction. It was going too far, and I decided to make a U-turn. The coming of the dove is becoming too frequent and I don't know what to do'', Michelle explained to Bisi.

“Wow, I guess it is a sign which I cannot explain. My advice for you is that, you should just try to follow the dove to the final point, maybe, there is something you may want to know through this dove”, Bisi replied.
“But it looks somehow scary”, Michelle replied
“Just try, at least it's just a dream”, Bisi was able to convince Michelle.
“Do I have to relate this issue to my uncle?” Michelle just needed to know the reasons she was having consistent dreams.
“Remember that your dad was not on good terms with your uncle before he was late. So, if you relate this to him, and he discovers that it's a good sign, he may want to deprive you of achieving what is ahead of you”, Bisi advised.
“You are right”, Michelle replied calmly.

Anytime she sleeps, she always has this same dream of seeing a white dove descending from above. She was worried and could not hold it anymore, instead a thought came over her to still meet her uncle whom she had been avoiding. But after much thought, she declined to go to his place as advised by her friend, Bisi.

She went home happy since she had related what she had been dreaming about to an elder.

After two days, she had the dream in a different form. She saw the dove descending, and this time she looked into the eyes of the dove and saw two people in each of the eyes. She saw her mum and her dad deep according to the dove.
“Mum, Dad, so it's you all these while? Please mum and dad, say something to me. Do you have a message for me?” Michelle said with a smile that overshadowed her face.
Her parents could not say a word, instead, she saw the dove yet again flying in the same direction. This time she was not ready to take chances. She followed the dove in the direction.


Jan Kopřiva
She got to a point and concluded she was not going any further. The dove paused as she stopped walking.
“Why is there no one in this area? And why did the dove just perch on the roof of this dilapidated building?” She asked herself without an answer.

She heard a voice, “Come, let me take you to your greatness, enter this room, and you will not regret it”. Not only that, but she was shocked as the voice seemed just like her mum's voice. Likewise, she called out, “Mum! Is that you?” The voice went, fading off. As she proceeded to enter the building, she heard a sound that woke her up.

She began to cry bitterly. “Mum, Dad, why did you leave me?” She asked soberly.

When it was morning, she just took a stroll outside to get some fresh air. As she was going along the bush path, she paused and said to herself, “Why does this place look familiar? I think this is where the dove has been taking me through”. She went further and ended up in the same dilapidated building she wanted to enter in her dream. “This is becoming real”, she said to herself. As she entered, the interior of the building looked rough as a result of the cobwebs that had overtaken the whole part of the building.

She went further and entered a room whose door was broken. Michelle, out of fear, entered the room. Right beside the door was a rough sack. She was not ready to take anything from the building, but she remembered that her mum's voice spoke out to her, telling her to make her great. The only reasonable thing in the building was the rough sack filled up with what she did not know. She opened the sack and immediately drifted backward, just like someone who had seen a ghost. The sack was filled with money and this shocked her.

She had wanted to take the money to the police station, but not until she poured the money out and saw her mum's costly bracelet. This assured her that the money was for her parents. She took the money and straight to her abode. In her room, she began to shed tears of joy.

After that day, she was sleeping peacefully without dreaming of the dove any longer.

“May your souls rest in peace Mum and Dad”, she said, smiling.


Thank you for writing in The Ink Well

Whilst having an interesting angle, your piece was also a little confusing. Your MC proclaims at the beginning that it wasn't a dream but then goes on to explain how it was a recurring dream. We establish she is having repeat dreams about a white dove and it is only when she finally follows its path further that she sees her parents who lead her inside a room with a money bag. It feels a little underdeveloped as we don't have any foreshadowing that her parents have passed, or any understanding of her relationship with them, or any sense of financial need that we can tie to the ending. Make sure that you also focus on showing the reader what your MC learns about themselves over the course of the story.

Note: This comment has been edited as a reread of the story provided some clarification on a few points.


Our loved ones sometimes look for ways to manifest themselves: in dreams they can give us signs. Apparently that's what happened to your protagonist, who literally discovered a bag of gold thanks to her dreams. Greetings


Very interesting piece, I love where you took this story. I find it so bizarre that Michelle would find the white dove frightening, for they often symbolize peace and positivity. Yet, despite her fears, you decided to go with that message anyway.

It kept me on my toes, but happy that Micelle was able to come into her good fortune. Excellent storytelling!


This is well crafted. A problem shared is a problem half solved, they say. It was good that Michelle could share her dream with her friend who gave her some advice. Which she actually did followed and it turns out that her parents were the white dove this while. Indeed, Our love ones never leaves us even in the after world.
