The Japa Syndrome.

Many times when we have discussions we at times result in arguments which if not careful might lead to quarrels amongst ourselves. For men, it's mostly about football clubs and transfers. When they have discussions related to football I am always out of it because I don't watch football.

But I don't know why I always have misconceptions about people when they have discussions related to traveling abroad or studying abroad. I think it's about our mentality and the way we assume and believe things to be.

For some people, they have the mindset that if they haven’t left this country there is no way they can achieve success here in Nigeria. Some see traveling out of Nigeria as success itself without even knowing what they are about to face out there where they are heading.

The Japa Syndrome.

As for me, from the onset, I wished I could be suitable to travel out of the country to study. I have dreamed that once I leave, I will make sure I become rich before coming back to settle here in Nigeria. And that is why I schooled far away from home even here in Nigeria. It was like I studied abroad because I don't frequent my visit home often.

With time, my mindset began to change towards anything abroad. I realized that even studying here in my home country is way harder, but if one should be favored and blessed here in Nigeria, it's a good place to live fine rather than getting myself stuck in a country for years.

The interesting part of making a good life here in Nigeria is that you have the chance to see your family, friends, and relatives and also live fine with all of them. There are times when news, be it good or sad news, gets to those abroad, but there is nothing they can do about it. They have to remain there till their time gets ripe enough to travel back home.

I remembered a few arguments I had with my friends about this topic. It was on the stand that in my final year in the university, I was given the chance to drop out and start taking my course afresh in another school abroad. Would I forfeit my present admission for schooling abroad?

I can't do that. If it were that the situation or condition got me to finalize my studies first, get certified in Nigeria then start afresh there, I might still have to consider. But forfeiting my current study at that level won't be possible for me.

Some others were with the mindset that they were dropping out immediately and letting go of their Nigeria certificate for a better one. Then i asked what if you grabbed that certificate out there, are you not coming back to present it here in Nigeria for work? Then they would say, there are jobs they can do over there.

I don’t blame anyone’s choice, because it's not easy to live fine after school in Nigeria. Even while studying it's always like facing hell. So many would prefer the ease that will come from studying abroad.

Another discussion was about our life after service. If I were offered to work abroad or I work here in Nigeria. Which am I rooting for?

I preferred working here in Nigeria, building a foundation of wealth here, then not just getting myself stuck in a country working, but instead after living well here, I can find my way out for vacations in different countries around the world and not just a particular country where at the end of it all I am ending up in Nigeria again.

I know for sure that there are people who moved abroad and are doing fine. But I never wished for that. All I am praying and working towards is becoming financially stable enough to live a sustainable and decent life in the country and then have fun touring different places.

My stand will remain the same in every discussion related to traveling abroad. Though I have my passport ready, should in case any opportunity surface to explore and not become a permanent resident of other countries? There is no place like home.

Here is my response to the #JuneInleo prompt day 14 You can check out more HERE



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Different folks with different strokes. You have a big view on life in Nigeria. If I had my way, I would be working outside of Nigeria and let my mom handle the business which I’d be sending money to care for. It’ll be killing two birds with one stone. lol.
