Rehabilitation is not meant for all crimes.

I wonder why everything always seems different in Nigeria or maybe I say Africa or I should say that’s because it's my native land. I remember watching a Yoruba movie about a notorious criminal and terror who overthrew the whole town and his crimes know no bounds as everyone fears his presence even the police and other security agencies.

Many failed attempts to catch him, but somehow someday he was caught red-handed. They got his secret power and then were sentenced to death. He was tied and then shot till life left his body.

What I want to derive from this is that the criminals in those days were executed either by hanging or by multiple shots being tied to a drum. Some get executed in the marketplace where everyone watches them die and then takes a good example out of them.

Parents will get back home to warn their children not to end up that way as a disgrace to their family. Even those in the acts would know that they are indirectly warned against such death sentences if caught and either have a reconsideration over their acts.

These are what I felt should be implemented for criminals. Taking examples out of them as a warning to others. Not just some kind of rehabilitation or imprisonment for a certain period. And then grant them freedom again.

A prospective criminal who knows that when he gets caught the worst punishment he would serve is to be jailed for a stipulated amount of time would have made up their minds towards that. And another thing is that they know they will be out with time.

But in a case when someone who is murdered knowingly gets killed in return by the federal authorities and not just sentenced to life imprisonment, then I believe the motive behind the killing would be reduced. And even with time if the correction centers keep taking life imprisonment it's a matter of time before they get limited to the number of criminals they can contain.

Rehabilitation is a good thing but this shouldn’t be for all crimes. Crimes like kidnapping, theft, murder, arm robberies don't deserve rehabilitation. But as for crimes like drug abuse, child abuse, domestic violence, corruption, rape, sexual harassment, and many ofher related crimes could have their victims sentenced to rehabilitation in correctional facilities where they get to learn more about how to live a better life and stay away from those crimes.

For example, someone was caught in the act of robbery and had one of their hands cut off. Especially the hands they use in committing those crimes. I am sure it would take time before they could even try to master the use of the other hands to get back into such crimes again. And it would even stand as a sign to everyone they come across that this person is convicted of a crime and got punished.

As for those who are into illegal killing and kidnapping, they should be sentenced to death immediately. I don't think there should be a reason why they have to indulge in such terrible activities in the first place if not for greediness, selfishness, and lack of humanity. So making them an example to others would serve a better purpose.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 117 Edition 3 and the topic to be discussed is **



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Truly, these hardened criminals needs serious punishment and not just imprisonment which is more like a vacation to them, they need to dance to the same level of music and terror they give the society.


I get your point my friend. Some crimes are done out of mental disorders and unfortunate situations, so such lit crimes should be rehabilitated. But you see all those murderers, no peace for them fah.


Some criminals just go too far if you ask me. But I think we should at least give them a second chance.😅
