My fear for relationships.


It so sad that even in recent times it’s become a trend in our world today about people serving each others breakfasts. At first I thought it was all about a wife serving her husband his breakfast on the table, but later I realize it wasn't like that. There was a different meaning to the term breakfast which I thought was just mere breakfast.

So serving breakfast actually means dismissal, it meant break ups and all other forms of disunion among two fellows who claimed to be together under the umbrella of love.

Breakfast became so rampant that even in a married home these days you get to see it happening. Many aren’t ready to endure what it takes to get into marriage or maybe they got married out of a particular reason and in the long run the absence of that thing would make the marriage so boring. Then breakfast might happen.

To those who claimed to be dating, or in a serious relationship. Though to me, I don't fancy any of these because I see no reason for just dating when they know they can't even be together from the very beginning. But yet they would want to keep it going and most of them end up serving each other's breakfasts.

From my beginning, I am not even into any relationship with the opposite gender, though I make friends with them, and I am not even the type that just make anyhow kind of friendship with just anyone. So at times I even see my friendship zone as stronger than some people’s dating zone.

My fear from getting into any relationship not to talk of getting served breakfast increased at a time when I saw my friend who claimed to be a strong man so down out of love. Since then I don't really fancy dating and relationships.

He was so in love with a girl who was his classmate, the love he had for her was so much to the extent that he decided to keep sponsoring this girl’s academics till they are both done from school and then come together as couples.

It was like this lady just needed something from him and not loved him genuinely. He never saw it coming, not until it was in their final year of studies, he even focus more on her project work than his. But at the end of it all, when she decided to appreciate him, she shocked him with her marriage proposal,date with another guy.

My man was so down and even felt nothing was left for him in life. She did him something painful, where does he have to start from again? After years of togetherness.

The interesting part of it was that the guy is now married too with his wife and kids too. But the fear of being served breakfast unexpectedly is one thing I fear. All of my efforts, patience, endurance and love are all wasted.

Image from Pixabay; Pixabay

