Summoners' Novice Beginner Training

Near the rim of the massive Seed Crater stands Anumun's Summoner's School, where novice battle mages compete in the Summoners' Beginner Training for not only fame and fortune, but also a chance to learn the secrets of the fey.
Tournament id: 905ad97ba6c064095ff1497794fd2db0fd0885e0 Tournament Start Date: 17:00:00 08/27/22 UTC
Minimum Entrants: 4 Maximum Entrants: None Total Entrants: 131
Entry Fee: 5000 DEC Alternative Fee: 10 DEC for Novice to Bronze Minimum SPS stacked: 600 Minimum Power: 350
Tournament Format: Swiss Prize in USD: 36
Another glimpse of the madman across the Water
Water was the most picked element, with 385 of 1414! These are the amount each Element and Summoner were chosen, forfeited games are not taken into account:
Know Your Enemy
Need help beating the meta? Find out how well any summoner did against the top 5 most picked Summoners!

Scary monsters, super creeps
Top 50 picked monsters as each elementFire






When I First wanted I never ever thought twice
Summoners chosen by nitroagePlayer Name: nitroage Player since: 08/01/2021 Player Power:110585 Player Rating: 2356
Current League: Gold
Won Against: mori-no-giant,karmand5,rnsgames,bfciv,rodentz,diyusi,bluedevil0722,brumgunter,gordon-goblins,slaifer-red-01,splinterlover,foxconnmars,lazy-bones,brumgunter,councilph,junnos,iamnothing2,heemshowlive
Lost to: scorpionphs

Ain't in the race for Second place
Summoners chosen by timovheesPlayer Name: timovhees Player since: 01/16/2022 Player Power:3250 Player Rating: 0
Current League: Novice
Won Against: sanscrypt,double-time,heemshowlive,middle-earthling,hns,isaacgameboy,dstampede,artefacus,karmand5,m4rv,r3d3-x,forestdweller,spryquasar
Lost to: yu-gi-ow

It's quite possible that I'm your Third man, girl
Summoners chosen by yu-gi-owPlayer Name: yu-gi-ow Player since: 08/04/2021 Player Power:61280 Player Rating: 1598
Current League: Bronze
Won Against: forestdweller,mcign,cryptoace33,robmojo,hykimaru,dstampede,artefacus,timovhees,karmand5,m4rv,r3d3-x,forestdweller,spryquasar
Lost to: foxconnmars,detmidenzi,tlassic

You've got the money and the Power
Find out how well players from each league did!Power league meaning the league which the player has enough power to be in. League being the league where the player was in by the time the report was made.
Days until the end of the season: 0

Phase 1 Group 1 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 2 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 3 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 4 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 5 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 6 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 7 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 8 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 9 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 10 Swiss Bracket

Phase 1 Group 11 Swiss Bracket

Phase 2 Group 1 Swiss Bracket

Phase 2 Group 2 Swiss Bracket

Phase 2 Group 3 Swiss Bracket

Phase 2 Group 4 Swiss Bracket

Phase 2 Group 5 Swiss Bracket