If you want to earn SPS you will need cards you own or rent cards, you can even rent maxed out cards for almost nothing, if you are new you will be starting to play in Modern as Wild required a payment for Pass so make sure you rent only Modern cards , you can also play with ghost cards and earn Glint now, but you will not get sps, also the ghost cards are level 1 so you are going to lose to anyone with higher level cards.
Click in Battle
Check the Rulesets, Splinter allowed(no need in the lowest ranks) and you can check the past battles of your opponent to see what he is playing and try to counter it:
Click on Create Team them chose your Summoner First:
Chose your line up
The order is important, on the first position put a Tank normally is a melee unit with defensive skill that have high health and/or armor, to put it simple just chose the unit that can absorb most damage of the team you are thinking to put, them keep doing that to keep your highest damage units or your key units more secure, there are units with Sneak(units that attack the unit in the last place) ability so the last place is not necessary the most secure one, make sure the units that are not in the first position can attack, magic attack units can attack from any position, Range attacks units can attack from any position except the first one(unless they have the Close Range ability) so normally range units will go in last place, them if you pick more melee units make sure they have an ability that make them able to attack from any position like the one I mentioned before Sneak, others examples are Reach and Opportunity, otherwise your melee unit will not be able to attack until it reach the first place.
With that Information select your best team possible based in the mana Cap and Rulesets.
Check the fight to see how is doing your team against the opponent and keep learn, you can put in a very fast speed, you can also skip the battle and see the result but only do this when you think you already learned everything you need from battles.
Whenever you win the Battle you will Earn Glint and SPS based in your rank and SPS you have stacked:
If you want to increases you rank fast, you can rent high level cards, there are very cheap maximum level cards that you can rent with just the initial credits that comes with your account, make sure you have rent a level up summoner that allow you to use the level up cards. You can also rent SPS to boost your earning greatly, make sure to do it according to your rank, if you are in not a high rank having 1000 10000 or a million will do the same giving the maximum boost to your rewards for that rank.
If you want more information about earning here is a detailed guide: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-community-engagement-tutorial-star
There is also some helpful information on that guide about, renting, SPS, Glint and where to spend it, but if you want more detailed information of just Glint you can see this other guide: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-community-engagement-challenge-glint
Is an Auto-battler game where all card are NFT, you can own them and sell them when ever you want or rent them, you will earn SPS each time you win a battle and you can change it for USD if you want, it is a fun game with a playtoearn aspect that greatly increases the fun.
If you are not yet register in Splinterlands you can join it for Free by: Clicking Here
As a free user you can play , but you will not earn rewards, you will need to buy the Spellbook if you want to earn Glint and SPS just for playing.
I love this game !BBH
@caimanx! @day1001 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @day1001. (6/20)
Thanks for sharing! - @zallin
Good Work, thanks for sharing!