So someone voted your validator, now what? (express gratitude)


My mother worked in donor relations for a private school. Her job was to find rich parents in the school and ask them to donate money. If they did she would write thank you notes and/or get the head of school to write thank you notes. She was very successful. There are awards for public donor relations professionals that are named after her.

I forget the politician that said this, but when he received large donations he would write thank you notes and they would often come back with larger donations.

Gratitude is a critical emotion. Just look at the little guy on the cover image of this post. You can tell he's genuinely thankful for something. If a SPS stakeholder is willing to vote your validator one of the first things you should consider doing is saying thank you. @endecs and @bamlolx built a nice notification tool that pings validators when people vote them. I am grateful for this tool because it allows me to directly connect with the people voting for my account and I can say "thanks for supporting my validator!"

What next?

If you're ready to engage in a conversation you can ask some marketing style questions like

What about me made you want to vote for me?
What good do you think I'm going?

You can do other things like ask them "Hey Fella, you're a big whale and you're important to me, what kinda things are important to you and what should I prioritize to keep you as a supporter?"

And you can find out the things that are the priorities for the stakeholders that vote for you. You can take this information and make choices about the things you do and support to align what you value and what your stakeholders value. Find the overlap between what you do best and what voters are looking for and you may find it's appropriate to tune your message, your tools, or your objectives to the inciteful things they say.

Other things you can do that don't cost anything is follow their accounts, friend their discord, or reblog their posts if they author things. Sometimes just a little attention from someone elected can mean the world to a voter and that can impact retention, enthusiasm, and a feeling of connection to the community.

So, if someone votes for you, try to take a second to thank them, engage them, learn from them, and consider taking a moment to help them in little ways you can.

0.31430374 BEE

Thank you for voting for my node, aggroed!
This is another great post where I’ve learned something new.
I should write a message when someone votes for me.
Running a node and joining the voting system makes me think about how I can contribute more to the community.

2.22511697 BEE

Hey @aggroed - so again a major thanks for your vote! Agree in all points :-)

2.18061879 BEE

I was very happy that you wrote me back directly after voting for you (which I did after reading through a few articles of yours). It's one thing that I like about this community, the big contributors like bravetofu, AZ, Taraz, beffeater and you still reply even to smaller contributors like me. In my case, that's a huge motivation to become a bigger contributor and slowly grow into your position and be able to to the same. So, thank you again!

2.13700650 BEE

Connecting with people goes a long way! Need to get me a node setup asap!

2.09405758 BEE

(express gratitude) a lot of people do not do this, when you give vote they do not considered you, specially when your voting power is low you do not have opinion or not have value.
But the gratitude is important specially for the plankton and little fishes.

0.00000104 BEE

It is indeed! It feels great that our voice his heard and acknowledged, and having an important contributor personally write you after voting for them is like meeting a star 😄

0.00000026 BEE

I've been pretty inactive in Splinter over the last few years, but I still keep the assets I have and am happy to see that there's more going on here again.

I'll definitely set up a node in the future.

A notification tool sounds really important, I think it's great that you're pushing the developers here too. For me it always seems like this in a vote-based system that even if you deliver and support, it's hard to get votes if you don't have big contacts.

I'm also a developer and specialize in data analysis, is there already a block explorer, someone who publishes statistics on the chain?

0.00000000 BEE

No, I've challenged folks to build one. I have some sps votes to spare for folks that can deliver on it.

0.00000000 BEE