He just wanted to play music, Rory.


Many would say that fame is beautiful, it opens so many doors for you. And in theory it is like that, we can say that it is true. But in many cases it is not like that, rather it affects you and pressures you to be someone you are not, and if you don't believe me, meet Rory. He is a singer, he is very famous. So he knows what he feels. But he was not always like that. In his beginnings he was just another singer. Very modest, almost nobody knew. In his life he had never had a contract with a record company or released an album. Until not long ago, all he did was write a song, a little short by the way, and then upload a recording of him singing that song. It was the most casual video, with him playing the guitar at home singing. It was like that for a long time. Almost always on the last Sunday of every month he released a new song. His most viewed song back then only had 600 views, as you can see he was just a singer starting out in this world.


Up to this point he doesn't know what fame is, nor does he make money with his videos, this is more of a hobby that helps him get out of the routine and stress. But that was going to end very soon. Fame was always waiting for him, it just hadn't exploded with enough force yet. His songs were all very good but since people didn't know him, they didn't get much attention. Before everything exploded, he lived off what he earned as a pizza delivery man, it wasn't the best job in the world but he liked it a lot, especially because of the possibility of riding a motorcycle through the city every day. He hates being locked up and this was a way to go out and see the city. Few people recognized him when he delivered pizzas, nobody knew he was a singer too. So he never had fans asking him for photos and things like that.

But the day came, a day that for many may be the best of their lives but for Rory perhaps it wasn't so much. The last Sunday of March he was preparing to upload a new song to his social networks. As he always did because he liked to do it and he enjoyed spending time making music. This video in question was made longer than usual, the normal was 1 minute, but this song was made longer than 3 minutes. It had very strong lyrics in which he asked whoever listened to it not to be locked up all the time, to go out and see the world. The video was also shocking because of the way he sang it. This video certainly looked like it would be different. Still, he didn't imagine that it would have many views, how wrong he was. When he uploaded the video in the first few hours only his regular subscribers saw it, about 400 views or so he got. When he realized that it was the same as always he went to sleep.


The next day when he got up and had his coffee he was curious to check the video to see how it had gone. He wanted to die when he saw the numbers. The song had reached more than 400 million views in less than 24 hours. It turns out that several influencers had reacted to the song, causing it to skyrocket in views. Thousands of accounts were commenting on all social networks about how good the song was. His phone was literally collapsing from the amount of messages he received. The email was also full of comments, but especially several job offers and contracts with several record labels. Added to that, the international and national press did not stop talking about him. It was a storm of fame. He did not expect that, let us remember that he has always been someone very casual and not so well known, so this affected him a little, he did not know how to react.

What he did was turn off his computer and not continue watching the news, to at least have a little more time to assimilate it. Still, the millions of views kept coming. That day he went to work as a delivery man like he did every day. When he got to work his boss told him to be careful on the street, because many people had ordered pizzas just to see him. The boss gave them the orders that they didn't know him to help him in his work and not take him to the paparazzi. Then he got on his motorcycle and went out to deliver pizzas. But in all the houses he went to, they had already seen the video. People just wanted to take pictures with him, so he let them. But they uploaded these photos to the internet. So they immediately went viral and they already knew what he did.


When Rory returned to work to get more pizzas, there were thousands of fans and many paparazzi. There was also press from various countries. Everyone wanted to see him. When he arrived, there was an avalanche of questions, photos, autographs and much more. They even proposed to him, which he did not accept. Overnight, his life had changed. He was no longer a normal person, which was something he valued very much. He could barely get home because people would not let him walk. When he got home, there was an equally large crowd. But this time, the police intervened, clearing the place so he could enter. Once inside, he did not know what to do. For now, he could not continue working as a delivery man. The truth is that he did not know how to react.

Fame is not for everyone, that is his opinion. He would have preferred to continue doing what he did. But well, this is a new reality. There is no turning back. He will have to adapt. But it is hard to lose your privacy and way of life. Money is not important to him, only freedom. And this is what he thinks about fame, it is not for everyone. Now he will continue writing this story according to what he claimed to do, maybe he will continue his career as a singer, maybe he will leave it. Only time will tell.


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