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RE: The Failings of Hive


These are both good points - and you're right about the scale. YouTube probably has 1% amazing content, 99% total bollox, however that 1% is probably like 100x the size of people on Hive.

But then to turn that on its head -- how do we attract the people. My thoughts are the tools in which they can use.

Why do people use WordPress? Just to make a journal?

Why do people blog on Medium with no intention of earning?

It's all about ease of use I think.

0.00001308 BEE

You need to find an audience for whatever you do and other platforms provide a potentially bigger one. Hive has the rewards, but also freedom. I think our best chance is to grow in niche areas to start with and build from there. I hang around the musicians, runners and general geeks.

0E-8 BEE