Live Life Like Flowing Water

Enjoying life as it is and being grateful for everything that God has given can help us to always feel happy. To achieve happiness we must be ourselves, happiness in life we ​​will never achieve if we only think about what other people say and dissolve in regret for everything that has happened.

Everyone's level of happiness is different from one another, the most important thing is not to focus on what other people have. However, focus on everything we have.

Happiness is the goal of life for every human being so they compete to achieve it in their own way. We shouldn't be stuck following other people's living standards, because with today's technological sophistication it makes each of us see other people's living standards which may be all luxurious only through social media so that we feel proud because we don't have a luxurious lifestyle, this will actually make it difficult for ourselves to be yourself and always need the approval of others to feel happy.

So basically, if we are looking for happiness one of the best things we can do is simplify life, let go of all that is unnecessary and focus on the things that are most important to us. Many people out there are misguided in interpreting a simple life. Simple life does not mean we are lacking, but we use money according to our needs.

Enjoying life as it is can trigger us to always be grateful for what we have and not expect too much. Being grateful for whatever we have right now will make us happier individuals because we always feel fulfilled.

Here are the photos that I was able to capture as inspiration about the simplicity and happiness of life:

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