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RE: A few thoughts...

This should've been part of the original proposal. Or added as soon as people asked for it.

I don't mind asking for votes. I do mind putting others down who don't vote the way you want.

Speaking of consequences, how's the proposal doing?

4.6E-7 BEE

I agree, that this should have been part of the original proposal. But life happens, and people get busy. I have many other things on my plate, so does Matt. I have requested the feedback regarding this earlier to Matt. I got busy and he got busy.

And you also know why I am busy. I will be going through a major surgery. You know that. No one else does (until now). Why, because you are my friend. I am sorry, but I am slowly loosing my senses on my fingers, so it is hard for me to type. This is a symptom for the condition that I am having.

Regarding consequence. I think the proposal is doing fine. It is not my proposal, but I do support it. I believe there are other people support it too. If the combined net support gets higher than the return proposal it will be funded.

Now if you excuse me, I need to stop typing, because I can't feel my fingers.

0E-8 BEE