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RE: A few thoughts...


I agree, that this should have been part of the original proposal. But life happens, and people get busy. I have many other things on my plate, so does Matt. I have requested the feedback regarding this earlier to Matt. I got busy and he got busy.

And you also know why I am busy. I will be going through a major surgery. You know that. No one else does (until now). Why, because you are my friend. I am sorry, but I am slowly loosing my senses on my fingers, so it is hard for me to type. This is a symptom for the condition that I am having.

Regarding consequence. I think the proposal is doing fine. It is not my proposal, but I do support it. I believe there are other people support it too. If the combined net support gets higher than the return proposal it will be funded.

Now if you excuse me, I need to stop typing, because I can't feel my fingers.

0E-8 BEE

Good luck on your surgery AZ . That is far more important than all this!

0.00180239 BEE

This isn't about you or Matt being busy, it's about aggy blackmailing, bribing and bullying. Well, and you defending him, which felt like a kick to the stomach.

If the combined net support gets higher that the return proposal it will be funded.

It was funded. Without this fuckery it still would be. And in this case the consequence is justified by the action.

0E-8 BEE

Gl on the surgery 🙏

0E-8 BEE