No Dan. I assure you that they are not blind DV. They are highly targeted and directed specifically at Will. There are valid reasons. I can explain more in private, but honestly I don't think it is worth our time.
Trust me Dan. I am doing is for a long time. Also I am a reasonable person with a stable stake.
How about I am not a fan of someone who blindly jump into drama without getting to know the background information?
Here's a short version for ya.
I don't like people self voting comments on the grounds that they are "providing value".
I don't like someone who behaves like I need to run by them for every downvote I cast. He couldn't be bothered to get into our channels or ask why things happen. The first response is always, "whoever downvoting is bad".
I don't appreciate people equating everyone downvoting operating the same way Hivewatchers operate.
You aren't exactly the best judge of character on this chain. I would kindly ask you to not be involved in things that don't concern you.
No Dan. I assure you that they are not blind DV. They are highly targeted and directed specifically at Will. There are valid reasons. I can explain more in private, but honestly I don't think it is worth our time.
Trust me Dan. I am doing is for a long time. Also I am a reasonable person with a stable stake.
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How about I am not a fan of someone who blindly jump into drama without getting to know the background information?
Here's a short version for ya.
I don't like people self voting comments on the grounds that they are "providing value".
I don't like someone who behaves like I need to run by them for every downvote I cast. He couldn't be bothered to get into our channels or ask why things happen. The first response is always, "whoever downvoting is bad".
I don't appreciate people equating everyone downvoting operating the same way Hivewatchers operate.
You aren't exactly the best judge of character on this chain. I would kindly ask you to not be involved in things that don't concern you.
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