Hive is 0.266 USD (-)
0.00000310 BTC (-)
HBD is 0.982 USD (-)
0.00001148 BTC (+)
9 days ago, Hive was 0.3436 USD, but today it is 0.2667 USD.
What is Hive worth to you? How much is 1000 Hive worth?
You can buy 10 HIVE for 2.704 HBD, or sell 10 HIVE for 2.663 HBD.
I am watching the BTC/USDT and HIVE/USDT charts side by side on Bitget, |
HIVE Market cap is low after a high of $280.72M at the end of 2024;
Today we see a market cap of just $126M with $23.55M/24hr volume
According to @arcange's new financial report,
-3,856,676.000 Hive was 'Powered Down' in February 2025.
$1,031,410.14 USD worth of Hive Powered Down.
HBD market cap had dropped significantly, from 9.4%, to just 4.01% as of January 7th 2025,
Today March 3 2025 HBD has risen to 6.632%, from 5.864% of the Hive market cap 9 days ago!
How much HIVE will you Power Up in 2025? How much Hive will you Power Down?
Do your own research, these are just observations over time.
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