The mirror and the devil (El espejo y diablo) [ES/EN]

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The mirror and the devil

Susana was a very beautiful girl, she loved to look at herself in the mirror all day. She loved her curvy figure like a beautiful guitar that many wanted to play. Susana loved to provoke men, it was a feeling that fed her ego and made her feel like a goddess.

Juan was a very handsome boy and he was madly in love with Susana. For years he was after her, but the beautiful girl only loved the attentions and gifts that Juan gave her, but it was only up to that point, that she never allowed the guy to give her even a kiss on the cheek.

"Please, Susanna, let me be your boyfriend, I love you too much, I would do anything for you." Juan's light brown eyes were becoming crystalline at the pleas.

"Oh, Juan, I appreciate everything, but right now I'm not interested in having a boyfriend, I have more important things to think about." Susana was turning around and her curly brown hair was flying in the sunset breeze.

Juan with his head down was going home, while Susana ran to her room. She wanted to try on the new dress that Juan had given her, it was intense red, that reached to her ankles, and it fitted her perfectly highlighting all her curves.

She ran her hands over every part of her body outlining her figure, while she looked in the mirror. It was a fact that Susanna was in love with herself and did not stop admiring herself, flirtatious laughs she sent to the reflected figure. At that moment the girl's mother came in.

"Gee, Susanna, you live glued to that mirror, do you want the devil to take you?». Susana's mother told her with disgust.

"Oh, Mother, those are silly superstitions. Stop believing in that." Susanna would take off her dress and leave the room.

After dinner, Susanna would quickly go up to the room. She would lie on the bed and start taking pictures to upload them to her social networks... She looked at the red dress and put it on. "I'm going to make a lot of followers with this beautiful dress."

Susana posed in front of the mirror and started taking pictures. Very provocative she showed herself between poses, moved her fleshy crimson lips in a seductive dance for the lens. The girl became more and more fascinated with her beauty about to be hypnotized by her charms.

She had been in front of the mirror for about an hour, taking pictures and admiring herself. "I can't believe how wonderful I look, I'm so, but so beautiful..."

At that moment, Susana's charming figure was transformed into something sinister, the girl was watching in amazement what was happening. Then a thick fog surrounded her and suddenly a horrible being came out of the mirror, caught her with his big claws and took her inside the mirror. Susanna was screaming in despair, but no one heard her cries for help.

Susanna closed her eyes and begged for mercy for her life, while a sinister laughter pierced her ears. After that chaos, everything that remained silent, the girl trembled non-stop and slowly opened her eyelids, an apocalyptic landscape was shown in front of her, everything was surreal, a thick and nauseating air penetrated her nostrils, a red sky tinged with black covered the firmament.

Susanna was screaming in terror, she got up and started running in no direction, she saw herself and her red dress was all torn, it looked like an old and dirty rag, her bare feet were hurting with every step on the rough ground. He stopped running because he felt that his lungs were going to collapse, he fell to his knees and cried. Tears of blood gushing from his eyes.

She looked up and saw the mirror, but she didn't see her reflection but her room. She desperately ran and started banging on the glass. Susana's fists were clashing against the object and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Please save me, someone who will listen to me. Get me out of here!"

At that instant, a horrible beast came out of the mirror, with horns, red in color, an awful face with deep black eyes, and large and pointed fangs. Susanna started to run, while tears of blood flew in the breeze.

After a few seconds, the woman was thrown to the rough ground, and the beast was standing on top. Susanna was screaming and crying, she was completely trapped. The monster roared causing the sound to be scattered all over the place, then it stuck out a pointed tongue and inserted it into Susana's chest.

The girl was screaming and little by little she felt her breath going out, it was like a candle about to be extinguished. As the beast sucked the life out of Susanna, he said to her, "Your big ego is delicious, it will be great food. I'm enjoying it very much. Haha".

Susanna was starting to dry up, all her beauty had been lost, she was like a living mummy, her skin turned grayish and her eyes became black and huge, her big hair had fallen out. The woman let out her last sob and gave up her soul...

...But before, a shimmering light appeared from that red firmament, a being bathed in light descended from the sky. A sword was seen brandishing and at the speed of light, he fanned it causing the beast's head to fall on Susana's chest, the beast fell disintegrating into small particles that flew to the sky.

Susanna was trying to see, but her eyes had dried up, the being of light helped her up and took her to the mirror. Then he told her, "You are saved, now try to live humbly and love the people who love you, forget about the very superficial."

Susanna heard that familiar voice and said, "You are, you are..."

Then she felt a kiss on her forehead and the light became more intense, little by little she regained her sight and then she felt that she was falling into an abyss. She opened her eyes and looked at himself in the room, jumped up like a trampoline, and went to look at himself in the mirror. She was still the same, she ran her fingers over her face and breathed calmly.

She remembered the words of that being, then she ran out into the street, looked for Juan and saw him sitting outside his house. She stopped in front of him and looked at him with great affection. She says, "Thank you."

At the same moment, Susana gave the boy a big kiss on the mouth, who stared at her in amazement. "I don't know what I did, but I'm thrilled."

Juan then took Susana to the house and said goodbye with a big kiss. The man was happily walking down the sunny street and whistling a love song. He stopped in front of a local and entered.

The man would take out some bills and hand them to the witch and say, "I don't know what you did, but it was excellent work."

"My jobs are always guaranteed, young man. Haha."



El espejo y diablo

Susana era una chica muy bella, le encantaba verse todo el día en el espejo. Amaba su figura curvilínea como una hermosa guitarra que muchos querían tocar. A Susana le encantaba provocar a los hombres, era un sentimiento que alimentaba su ego y la hacía sentir como una diosa.

Juan era un muchacho muy bien parecido y estaba enamorado perdidamente de Susana. Durante años estuvo tras ella, pero a la hermosa chica solo le encantaba las atenciones y regalos que Juan le daba, pero solo era hasta ese punto, nunca permitió que el chico le diera tan siquiera un beso en la mejilla.

«Por favor, Susana, déjame ser tu novio, te amo demasiado, haría lo que fuera por ti». Los ojos café claros de Juan se iban haciendo cristalinos ante las súplicas.

«Ay, Juan, agradezco todo, pero ahorita no me interesa tener novio, tengo cosas más importantes en que pensar». Susana daba media vuelta y su cabello rizado color castaño volaba con la brisa del atardecer.

Juan cabizbajo se marchaba a su casa, mientras Susana corría a su habitación. Quería probarse el nuevo vestido que le había regalado Juan, era de color rojo intenso, que le llegaba hasta los tobillos, le armaba perfectamente resaltando todas sus curvas.

Recorría sus manos por cada parte de su cuerpo delineado su figura, mientras se veía al espejo. Era un hecho que Susana estaba enamorada de sí misma y no dejaba de admirarse, risas coquetas enviaba a la figura reflejada. En ese instante entraba la madre de la chica.

«Caray, Susana, si que vives pegada a ese espejo, ¿acaso quieres que el diablo te lleve?». La madre le decía con un gesto de disgusto.

«Ay, madre, esas son tontas supersticiones, deja de creer en eso». Susana se sacaba el vestido y salía de la habitación.

Después de cenar, Susana subía rápidamente a la habitación. Se acostaba en la cama y empezaba a tomarse fotos para subirlas a sus redes sociales… Miró el vestido rojo y se lo colocó. «Voy a hacer muchos seguidores con este bello vestido»

Susana posaba frente al espejo y empezaba a tomar las fotos. Muy provocativa se mostraba entre pose y pose, movía sus carnosos labios carmesí en una danza seductora para el lente. La chica se fascinaba más y más con su belleza a punto de hipnotizarse con sus encantos.

Llevaba cerca de una hora frente al espejo, tomándose fotos y admirándose. «No puedo creer lo maravillosa que me veo, soy tan, pero tan hermosa...».

En ese instante, la figura encantadora de Susana se fue transformando en algo siniestro, la chica miraba atónita lo que sucedía. Luego una espesa niebla la fue rodeando y de pronto un ser horrible salió del espejo, la atrapó con sus grandes garras y la llevo dentro del espejo. Susana gritaba desesperada, pero nadie escuchaba sus gritos de auxilio.

Susana cerraba los ojos y pedía clemencia por su vida, en tanto una risa siniestra taladraba sus oídos. Después de aquel caos, todo que quedó en silencio, la chica temblaba sin parar y abría lentamente los párpados, frente a ella se mostraba un paisaje apocalíptico, todo era surrealista, un aire espeso y nauseabundo penetraba sus fosas nasales, un cielo rojo matizado con negro cubría el firmamento.

Susana gritaba aterrorizada, se levantó y echó a correr hacia ninguna dirección, se vio y su vestido rojo estaba todo desgarrado, parecía un trapo viejo y sucio, sus pies descalzos se lastimaban con cada paso en el suelo áspero. Dejaba de correr porque sentía que sus pulmones iban a colapsar, cayó de rodillas y lloró, lágrimas de sangre brotaban de sus ojos.

Levantó la mirada y vio el espejo, pero no veía su reflejo sino su habitación, corrió desesperadamente y empezó a golpear el cristal. Los puños de Susana chocaban contra el objeto y gritaba a todo pulmón. «¡Sálvenme, por favor, alguien que me escuche. Sáquenme de aquí!».

En ese instante del espejo salió una horrible bestia, con cuernos, de color rojo y una horrible cara con ojos negros profundos, colmillos grandes y puntiagudos. Susana empezó a correr, en tanto las lágrimas de sangre volaban en la brisa.

Después de unos segundos la mujer fue lanzada al suelo áspero, la bestia se colocaba encima. Susana gritaba y lloraba, se encontraba completamente atrapada. El monstruo rugía haciendo que el sonido se dispersará por todo el lugar, después sacaba una lengua puntiaguda y la introducía en el pecho de Susana.

La chica gritaba y poco a poco sentía que el aliento se le iba, era como una vela a punto de extinguirse. Mientras la bestia succionaba la vida de Susana, le decía, «Tu gran ego es delicioso, será un gran alimento. Lo estoy disfrutando muchísimo. Jaja».

Susana empezaba a secarse, toda su belleza se había perdido, quedó como una momia viviente, la piel se le hizo grisácea y sus ojos se hicieron negros y enormes, su gran cabellera se le había caído. La mujer soltaba su último sollozo y entregaba su alma...

...Pero antes, de ese firmamento rojo aparecía una luz reluciente, desde el cielo bajaba un ser bañado en luz. Una espada se veía blandir y a la velocidad de la luz la abanicó haciendo que la cabeza de la bestia cayera en el pecho de Susana, la bestia cayó desintegrándose en partículas pequeñas que volaban al cielo.

Susana trataba de ver, pero sus ojos se había secado, el ser de luz la ayudó a levantar y la llevó hasta el espejo. Luego le dijo, «Estas a salvó, ahora procura vivir de forma humilde y ama a las personas que te quieren, olvídate de lo superficial».

Susana escuchó esa voz familiar y dijo, «Eres, eres...».

Luego sintió un beso en la frente y la luz se hizo más intensa, poco a poco recobraba la vista y luego sintió que caía hacia un abismo. Abrió ojos y se miró en la habitación, saltó como un trampolín y fue a mirarse al espejo. Seguía siendo la misma, pasaba sus dedos por el rostro y respiró con tranquilidad.

Recordó las palabras de aquel ser, después salió corriendo a la calle, buscó a Juan y lo vio sentado fuera de su casa. Se detuvo frente a él y mirándolo con gran cariño le digo, «Gracias».

En ese mismo instante, Susana le daba un gran beso en la boca al chico, quien atónito la miraba. «No sé lo que hice, pero estoy inmensamente feliz».

Juan luego llevaba a Susana a la casa para después se despedirse con un gran beso. El hombre caminaba feliz por la calle soleada y silbaba una canción de amor, se detuvo frente a un local y entró.

El hombre sacó unos billetes y se los entregó a la bruja y le decía, «No sé lo que hizo, pero fue un excelente trabajo».

«Mis trabajos siempre son garantizados, joven. Jaja».


This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for June. The topic is "Terror stories. Share one you know or create one."
Day 8

Source 1
Source 2

Edited by Rincón Poético
The text of this post was originally translated from Spanish to English with the translator DeepL
Original content


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