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RE: Live Lessons From My Four-Legged Friends

Describiste todo exactamente lo que siento, tener a mis bebés de 4 patas ha sido la mejor decisión que he tenido, me han ayudado tanto en estar actividad, en despejar mi mente, cuando perdí a dos de ellos casi que seguidos, fue duro, pero gracias a mi negrita, logré levantarme de la depresión y tristeza enorme que me entró. No entiendo como hay personas que los abandonan y los maltrata. 😞

You described exactly how I feel, having my 4 legged babies has been the best decision I have ever had, they have helped me so much in being active, in clearing my mind, when I lost two of them almost in a row, it was hard, but thanks to my little black one, I managed to get up from the depression and enormous sadness that I felt. I don't understand how there are people who abandon them and mistreat them. 😞

0.00077868 BEE

Thank you for your visit and comment!

when I lost two of them almost in a row, it was hard, but thanks to my little black one, I managed to get up from the depression and enormous sadness that I felt.

I'm so sorry for your loss! I know exactly how hard it is to lose two dogs in a short time. Earlier this year in February we had to let Lana go. She was suffering from breast cancer. We knew that for about 7 months before. All that time we took care of her and hoped it would not progress aggressively. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye so much faster than expected, but there was no other choice. We started to notice that she started to show signs of pain, moaning when she went to lie down and when she wanted to turn around. From the first moan we heard we knew it was time to let her go, and 4 days later we said our final goodbyes to her. That was February 2024.

One month later, in March 2024, our Myla got vestibular syndrome. Of course, we hoped she would recover, and for a short while, it seemed she would. Until she got it again one week later, and before March had gone we had to say our final goodbyes to Myla too.

I still miss both of my ladies so much, but I'm also so very grateful for still having Skipper around. Without him, I don't know what I would have done.

I don't understand how there are people who abandon them and mistreat them. 😞

Same here. I cannot understand, and I don't even want to try to understand it.

0.00000000 BEE

Lamento tu perdida, sé el dolor tan grande y muchos dicen que son animales, que se puede tener otro. Y no es lo mismo, para mi, cada uno es único e irremplazable, este año adoptamos a uno y me a hecho sacar muchas risas, pero aun recuerdo a mis dos bebes 😔. Aun así, disfruto la vida con los que tengo y tendré, porque quiero seguir ayudando aquellos que están en situación de calle, darles una oportunidad. Saludos

I'm sorry for your loss, I know the pain so big and many say that they are animals, that you can have another one. And it is not the same, for me, each one is unique and irreplaceable, this year we adopted one and it made me laugh a lot, but I still remember my two babies 😔. Even so, I enjoy life with the ones I have and will have, because I want to keep helping those who are in street situation, give them a chance. Greetings

0.00077978 BEE