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RE: Live Lessons From My Four-Legged Friends

Lamento tu perdida, sé el dolor tan grande y muchos dicen que son animales, que se puede tener otro. Y no es lo mismo, para mi, cada uno es único e irremplazable, este año adoptamos a uno y me a hecho sacar muchas risas, pero aun recuerdo a mis dos bebes 😔. Aun así, disfruto la vida con los que tengo y tendré, porque quiero seguir ayudando aquellos que están en situación de calle, darles una oportunidad. Saludos

I'm sorry for your loss, I know the pain so big and many say that they are animals, that you can have another one. And it is not the same, for me, each one is unique and irreplaceable, this year we adopted one and it made me laugh a lot, but I still remember my two babies 😔. Even so, I enjoy life with the ones I have and will have, because I want to keep helping those who are in street situation, give them a chance. Greetings

0.00077370 BEE

It never will be the same. And I know the feeling. Yes, of course, you enjoy life, and the company of the furry friends around you. But this doesn't mean that you don't miss the ones who are no longer here with you. They may be gone, but they never will be forgotten.

We adopted Skipper in 2020 when he was 15 months old and we were already his third chance. The poor boy had serious problems with bonding with us and trusting us at that young age due to the many moves and new owners each time. Fortunately, that turned out well, but he never completely lost his fear of other people and animals.

0.00000000 BEE