Our Cat Family - Love These Little Rebels


It's been a while

Since I wrote about the cat adventures at home. It's not because nothing happened, on the contrary, Maesi has been sterilized and approved for great healing, Luna has to wait until the vet returns from holiday and then I can book her in for her appointment. It was not the best experience for Maesi returning home with Luna constantly attacking her. She really didn't like her smell, that was clear. It took a few days before she acted normal. We all wonder if Maesi will return the favour of being such a bully when Luna returns from surgery. Time will tell but my guess is, she will just leave her be.


We all know cats love boxes, in fact, even a piece of cardboard will do as a bed but Luna has adopted one of the shoe boxes as her bed. It's quite funny because she started using it about a month ago and we've seen her outgrow the box in these weeks. For some reason she finds it comfortable to sleep this way, crazy cat!


Zen moments with Maesi

Cat owners know what Maesi is doing here, she's making biscuits on the blanket and while doing so, she's 100% zen. It's adorable to see and my daughter loves it when she does it next to her or uses the blanket she's using. Maesi has the cutest face when she does it and strangely enough, Luna never really gets into this flow while Maesi does every day, she looks for the soft blankets such as this one and then starts kneading. If she sees that I'm watching her, she meows and demands that I pet her while she's in the flow, lol. During the night she also picks a spot between me and the fleece blanket to do this so that I can pet her until I fall asleep.



Office cats

While they are using our desks as their playground less often (finally), they discovered a new spot to hide from us in my tiny office area. As you can see the office was really meant to be a walk-in-closet and this part was meant to hang up pants. It now houses a big box we can't place anywhere else and the toolbox from my boyfriend. On top of the big box and behind the toolbox, they have some space where they love to hid and fall asleep.


I'm ok with that as I love having their company!

Our bonus cat: Ginger

Last, but not least, this is our bonus (outside) cat we called Ginger. I wrote about him before, when Mochi was playing with him outside. Sadly Mochi died some months ago but Ginger never stopped coming here. In fact, he's now sleeping in front of our window every single day and starts to become less scared as well. When I open the window to refill the water and food for the cats outside (yes, more come here to eat), he now automatically walks towards me only to realize then that he should be scared, lol. Where does this remind me of? Mochi also enjoyed the cuddles to the max when he was sleeping, totally enjoying every stroke until he woke up and saw it was a HAND! doing this. LOL. In his case, his subconscious knew we were cool, and it seems that Ginger also has a conflicting subconscious vs his conscious mind.


This is the first sharp picture I've managed to take from behind the window. You can see that on the bottom of the picture but the rest looks sharp and it taken with my new Xiaomi Redmi note 12 pro plus phone.

This guy needs to see a vet and I've been talking to my friend who works at another animal welfare organization, so we can hopefully lend a trap soon to bring him to the vet and have him taken care of. I see some things worrying me so let's hope we can get that done in the next month or so. If they castrate him, at least he won't be able to contribute to the problem of all these kittens on the street. But that's all we can do as we can't take in another cat, and most definitely not a big male who is used to the street, been there done that!

This was a little update from our cat family, see how much they've grown? Before we know it, they're all so big!

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I seemed to be unconsciencously shopping around for a new pet, automatically clicking on cat pictures without much thought. Maybe it's the way IG keeps filling my feed with little black kitten posts.

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Haha, I know that feeling! Get yourself another furry friend <3


0E-8 BEE

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @kerrislravenhill.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

0E-8 BEE

Nice cat, I love the animals

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Thanks :) me too!

0E-8 BEE

Those cats are great company! Looks like Ginger could us a trip to the vet for sure

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They are, now Mochi's siblings come here daily as well. We recognize them because we rescued him around the corner and these ladies were present there too when we went to check on the kittens. They never came to our window until recently. It's pretty strange (but good in a way) to have the mind think that Mochi is there waiting for food and then to realize it's not him but his sisters. At least they are sterilized now because they have a mark on their ears.

0E-8 BEE