Meet Clover the only Survivor

The love and bond pet owners and their pets share is indescribable and it takes only people who own pets to know or understand this bond. Looking from the sidelines you might think these pet owners are doing too much for their pets or they are being too emotionally attached to them, to you, they are mere animals but I tell you for a fact that to these people they aren't 'mere animals', but family and they stick around longer than humans.

If you are opportune to know a pet owner you’d be shocked to know the extent they can go for their pets and when they lose them it’s always tragic.


We had to say goodbye to seven of these little bunnies a few weeks ago and it was such a painful experience. I didn't know how much these bunnies meant to my friend until when I watched her mourn this little creatures every day as the bunnies died within the space of 3 days and up till now we still can’t wrap our heads around what exactly was the cause of their death.



Looking at their mother who had lost seven of her babies to the cold hands of death was so sad and it was worse looking at the only survivor who would have had an amazing time with his siblings.


While we surfed the net to understand what was the actual cause of their death, we discovered that the mortality rate of newborn bunnies(kittens) is quite high with people unable to aptly place the cause of death.

Losing one whilst it is still young is not only upsetting but also very frustrating, as there is often no apparent reason to explain what went wrong. Premature death in rabbits is sadly quite common. Although it is impossible to quantify the actual numbers involved (few people admit that their pet has died unexpectedly), few appear to live their entire lifespan of seven years or more.


Losing a pet is hard already but losing a newborn bunny can be really sad.
Preparing tirelessly for their arrival only for them to die just before you had the opportunity to even properly meet them is another level of tragedy.


My friend feels a deep sense of guilt and regret, she blames herself a lot for the cause of the bunnies death. She is of the opinion that she didn't do her best to prevent them from dying which isn’t completely true.

While we mourn the death of the rest of the bunnies we are more than grateful for the only survivor and we are doing everything possible for him to live longer.

I remember vividly when they were first born. It was our first time seeing little vulnerable creatures like that around us and it was amazing to watch them wiggle around and later sleep.


The goal was to watch them grow every single day so we didn’t have to miss out on their growth but then the universe had something else planned for us that we weren’t prepared for.


We are happy the only survivor is hale and hearty and living life to the fullest despite the tragic event that had happened and this incident was an eye-opener for us as we know better now.

Have you ever lost a pet before? How did you feel when it happened?

All images were taken with my friend's mobile phone and were posted with her consent.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

0.08711295 BEE

While I have not owned a pet yet I can still understand what the pet owner is going through especially when it concerns the loss of a pet. It is kinda painful.

Congrats to clover for making it

0.00070691 BEE

It hurts so bad my love but life goes on😊

0E-8 BEE

Yes that's true

0E-8 BEE

The mortality of living things has me holding back from owning a pet at this time of my life (the busiest) it is indeed heart wrenching to loose a pet (the animals you bond with)

0E-8 BEE

Very very sad Whitney🙂

0E-8 BEE