Looking for flowers and butterflies

Hi everyone! something new to try as I'm still finding my way in to the rest of the Hive community, as a Splinterlands player who wants to broaden my Hive experience, today I want to share some cool pictures I made on another hike I did earlier today with my daughter, we both enjoy active things, animals and nature so it's nice to combine this all when the weather is nice!
I was told it's better to make a maximum of one post per day but my actifit post is one already but I don't want to stop with that really.. I hope I can find my way somehow šŸ˜Š


First we encountered this beautiful flower right at the start of our trip, the colors are so vibrant against the dark green background, I actually learned something from my daughter, she's 12 years old and she told me to take the picture (with my phone, I didn't bring my camera) with the portrait mode, and I have to say it looked better than the one I took myself, kudos to her!

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Not as stunning but still very pretty were these late blooming flowers on the side of the road, this late in the summer there aren't a lot of flowers that are still looking awesome. šŸ˜Š
It was quite windy out in the open field, but the sun was shining and we enjoyed the environment, when I took this picture a moorhen was just taking off of the water but you can't really see it on the picture, it is a funny sight because they're running over the water flapping their wings until they gain enough speed to fly out of the water. šŸ˜

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Then we came to a park we had never been to before with a lot of butterflies in it and a very small forest like area behind it where I spotted this lovely butterfly

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Because of the fierce wind and everything around it moving it was difficult to take a good picture and then it flew away, spooked by me trying to get closer for a better picture, oops... now it's gone šŸ™
But then it landed 3 meters further on the tarmac road, just sitting there like he or she was saying 'ok.. take some pictures then...'



It was teasing me by not opening it's wings on the right moment, and my phones camera has a small delay before the picture is taken but I finally managed to get the full beauty captured! šŸ˜

Some cyclists were closing in on us so I made sure the butterfly didn't sit there in the middle of the road, before we headed on into the park, where we met another butterfly.

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This one refused to open it's wings, but it was sitting there relaxed so I could take some pictures again.

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And then another butterfly was coming close but it was very active and I had to chase it around a bit before it sat down on a leaf for a few seconds.

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The small forest like area was pretty dark and I guess the butterflies don't like that because once we entered we didn't see a single one anymore.

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That concluded our hike, we returned home in about 1.5 hours, time to have lunch and a coffee!

I hope you like my pictures also šŸ˜ƒ

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