I Wanna Rock!


I was sitting around at home the other day when I happened to look at my Google Discover feed. It's something I do from time to time throughout the day and it's usually my best bet to get content that is tailored to my interests. Especially now that RSS readers aren't a thing like they used to be. Check out one of @dboosters recent posts for more on that...

Anyway, I saw an article titled "Rock Isn't Dead: 20 Bands you might not know yet, but should". I was instantly intrigued and I decided to check it out.

Rock is kind of a funny thing. While early music was often called rock and roll, I think if we were to go back and listen to it now, it wouldn't just be classified as "oldies", but it actually fits into the "Pop" arena. Unless you are considering pop music a subgenre of Rock, but I don't usually see it that way.

Can you imagine what it would have been like back then if the classification "pop" would have actually been around? Somehow "Sex, drugs, and pop" doesn't hit quite as hard as the saying we all know. I also have a feeling there might have a lot less older folks saying "that dang pop music is corrupting our youth".

Rock is just harder, it's more aggressive, and it packs more of a punch. It's edgy and painful, and full of innuendo. It's raw and unfiltered and there is something quite primal about it.


I also feel it has fallen out of the mainstream a bit as well. Sure, there have been a few bands here and there... Bon Jovi has a new album, but even that leans a bit more towards pop. Greta Van Fleet came from a town just about half an hour down the road from where I live. They were also kind of close, but they started drifting off into that progressive realm if you ask me.

Some might argue Kings of Leon fit the bill, but honestly, I can't really stand them. "Use Somebody" got way overplayed and I just lost interest in them after that. I'd seriously rather listen to Creed or Nickleback.

Anyway, for this #threetunetuesday started by @ablaze and sponsored by some fine folks on Hive, I am going to bring you some newer rock bands that you might want to check out.

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Goodbye June is one of the first bands that I started listening to from the list in the article I read. Like many good things in the music world, they hail from Nashville, TN, but they definitely don't fit that country mold.

In fact, if you were to just give them a quick listen, you would probably say they sound more like AC/DC than anything else. "The Hard Way" is probably one of their more accessible songs, but I really like the song "Angel" as well. Really you can't go wrong listening to their latest album called Deep In The Trouble adding it to your playlist and putting it on repeat. It's just that good.

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I'm not really sure how The Cold Stares got on my radar. I know it wasn't from the list of artists in the article. If anything, I was probably listening to Goodbye June and after all of their songs were finished playing it started playing other similar bands.

Eventually, The Cold Stares game on.

"Take This Body From Me" is the song I am picking to share with you. I can't really say why expect for the fact that it just simply rocks. The hook is really good and it has a driving sound that I really dig.

This band has actually been around since 2009 when they got together in Evansville Indiana. If they sound familiar to you, it might be because some of their music was used in the game Cyberpunk 2077. I've never played the game personally, but I can see how it might fit in with an edgy game like that.

With five or six full length albums and about six EP's, there is plenty of music to dig into if you decide to go down The Cold Stares rabbit hole.

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Finally, I wanted to share with you a newer band that has that 80's hair metal feel. In fact, when Sammy Hagar opened a new Cabo Wabo Cantina somewhere, Red Voodoo was the band that played and he actually game on stage and sang with them. You can see that clip on YouTube if you want to search for it yourself.

Today, I am going to give you a live version of "All Night Long". I apologize that the sound isn't the greatest. It's pretty clear that this wasn't a soundboard recording! If you like what you hear though, I encourage you to check out their small catalog on Spotify or whatever streaming service you prefer.

Given the name of one of Hagar's albums is Red Voodoo, it's pretty clear to see where the band gets their inspiration from. They are based out of Sacramento California and they are definitely a group that I am going to be keeping my eye (or ears) on!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

0.50883622 BEE

Those are three great picks! Goodbye June really has that AC/DC feel to it, I'm going to have to listen to some of their stuff. The Cold Sores too were really catchy and it's a great song. And Red Voodoo have that great rock feel of the Sammy Hagar period, they are a cool band. Now I have some good stuff to listen to this week!

0.00319414 BEE

I'm glad I could help. I'll be sure to link that article to you in Discord so you can check out the other stuff on there.

0.00000000 BEE

The Cold Stares reminds me of a friend who loved Bad Company band, sounds familiar yet different, my pick for this week! Imagine seeing that live....

0.00042794 BEE

Ah yeah, I can see that. Very good ear there!

0.00000000 BEE

All his music was similar to this, he loved hard, loud, heavy used to get so riled up with certain groups we had to all hear! None in my collection although did enjoy...

0.00057058 BEE

Rock Rocks, it never fades away it just pebbles a bit sometimes Great post, promoted as young solved the TTT riddle

0.00042792 BEE

Thank you!

0.00000000 BEE

good stuff

0.00028522 BEE

Thank you!

0.00000000 BEE