Focus is one thing that helps a person achieve their goals.
Today was a little bit free for me, so I decided to do a little throwback since I'm very good at keeping old photos just to preserve memories.
I brought out my flash drive where I've stored a lot of pictures from way back and began scrolling through my archive. I couldn't help but stay thankful for growth.
It's funny how time flies and how we take little or no note that quickly life ebbs away. Sometimes we've not taken cognisant of our little wins and how much we've grown in our abilities, endurance, perseverance, skills, personality and other ramifications of life.
One thing I love to do, is ensure i'm a better version of who I was yesterday and the last thing I want to ever do is compare my journey to that of another. The reason is because our timelines are different and we all have different goals,vision and abilities.
The only person I compare myself to, is the older version of me, to see how much I be actually grown.
While I scrolled through my archives, I smiled. Everything has changed. I remembered when I was quite younger, how I backed out from any daunting task without a second thought and I avoided anyone who criticized me.
I'm so proud of myself today that I'm a very different person, I embark on more challenging task than ever, accept criticized. I rose above it all, the noise, my pride, my fears and my comfort zone.
I've learned to take them as a motivation to keep going. I realized that I allowed fail of failure limit my potentials, and this kept me at a spot for a while because I hated to fail or lose.
As I grow older, I've learned that failure is a part of life, a very integral part of a person success story. When we fail, we learn, we are unlikely to fail on the same thing twice because we see our errors and work so hard to correct them. I've also learned that anyone who shy away from being criticized, isn't ready for growth, because although unpalatable to the ear, Ciritisim help us figure out our shortcomings and helps us to fix them.
I feel so happy to be where I am at right now because I told myself that I came to conquer.. Whatever challenge that I might encounter. I also came to win, even if I fail.. There is no giving up.
There is so much power in conditioning our minds to be whatever we hope to be. I now see why it's also very good not to despise the days of our humble beginnings and why it's good to preserve memories. They help to evaluate growth.
This song by Nicki Minaj is one powerful song that helps a person stay focused because there's a goal ahead to reach.
Looking back at everything , my growth so far and everything in-between, I can now truly say that I came to thrive, prosper and win.
Image used belongs to me.
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When I saw the photo my first thought was, "Soaring in the sky."
You're not far from the message in the post. Hehe
Yes, it's a good message.