Overthinking is an art of creating new problem

One of the most common problem of today's people is overthinking. Overthinking not only eat your happiness but it also affect your mental health. Good mental health is important to live a happy and healthy life. It increase your confidence level as a result you perform better at your work. It is a fact that our future is not in our hand. Only thing we can do is to keep ourself focus on present time instead of thinking about future.


Overthinking is just like a new hurdle in our success journey. People says that overthinking is an art of creating new problems. New hurdle and obstacle only waste time on unnecessary stuff which decrease our growth. Obstacles are generally good as it improve our skill but obstacle as a result of overthinking generates negative thoughts in our mind as a result you remain indecisive which increase your problem.

People who live in present time is more focus than the people who live in future. As a result there is more chance of success for the people who live in present time.

Main reason of overthinking area anxiety, fear, perfectionism, lack of confidence, trauma, lack of knowledge. You can overcome on these issue by addressing the issues.

Anxiety and fear can be minimized by stop over thinking. Nothing is perfect in life except Creator of the world and Creator beloved messenger. Committing mistake is common. We all do mistake in our life. It is normal if you commit mistakes in life. We all learn from mistakes. Never worry about perfectionism and try to improve your self on consistent basis.

Lack of knowledge and skill decrease confidence level. It creates doubts in our mind which generate negative thinking. This problem can be rectified by improving knowledge and skill.

Life is too short. Live happy and healthy life, stop overthinking and try to improve yourself on consistent basis. This is my message for today post.

Wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

0.15224759 BEE

Overthinking is one of the major issue we have in our present day living, we are thinking of how the future will look like instead of focusing in the present, we place our minds in the future that the present is passing without our consent.
I agree with this passage, overthinking and thinking, is the act of bring new problems into the equation.

0.00358341 BEE

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thought with us. Stay blessed.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

I experienced this a lot. Now I always try to avoid over thinking.

0.00347201 BEE

My situation is also same. I experience this on regular basis.

0.00000267 BEE

Over thinking is a dangerous thing to do and we all do it sometime or the other.
It is best to take short breaks in the middle of work and equally importantly draw a step by step plan to do the work so we spend time following the steps and not waste time overthinking

0.00340264 BEE

Through overthinking, we worry about unnecessary things, most of which never come to be. It's good to focus on what we can control and do our best. Overthinking robs us from enjoying the present.

0.00286417 BEE

Well say @takhar. Overthinking kills our happiness. Stay blessed

0E-8 BEE