Did you come to this conclusion yourself? Rather, everything should be both, one without the other is a chicken with a cut off head that continues to run :) !BEER
I have always felt that we should use primarily our intellect, but it should be tempered with emotions like empathy and kindness, recognizing it sometimes will be effected by greed, jealousy or envy.
This is the human condition, one plagued by both brilliance and stupidity, empathy, joy, kindness, plus indifference, meaness and cruelty.
We are capable of all these things, but our genes, our parents, friends and those whom we love influence us greatly, as to we actually become the person we are, probably flawed, but hopefully relatively good..
I have always felt that we should use primarily our intellect, but it should be tempered with emotions like empathy and kindness, recognizing it sometimes will be effected by greed, jealousy or envy.
This is the human condition, one plagued by both brilliance and stupidity, empathy, joy, kindness, plus indifference, meaness and cruelty.
We are capable of all these things, but our genes, our parents, friends and those whom we love influence us greatly, as to we actually become the person we are, probably flawed, but hopefully relatively good..
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