Splinterlands: Arkemis with a shield!


Good morning splinterfans! And also good morning if you're not a fan (yet) of course, but when you're checking out splinterlands posts, you're definitely interested, and I've got to warn you - you're about to enter a rabbit hole and it's only getting more fun past this point when you start to play! 😁

So, the two blogging challenges for splinterlands players have changed a bit, or actually one of them has - the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge we had for about two or three years already, and the regular players who are participating have made numerous posts with this challenge just like me, this is just a grab of them: πŸ˜…


Some rulesets even had three or four challenges over the years, and while there's nothing wrong with that, and with commitment we're earning extra cash to put in to our accounts, it's how I managed to go from a bronze player in the very early days to a silver player for the majority of my splinterlands career, to a gold / diamond player since the start of this year.

Long time my stance was 'highest level play is overly complicated' but because I gradually upgraded my deck, I grew in to it and slowly got to know my deck and it's really like 'the more - the merrier).


So, here I am, in the last days of the season I've been pushing in to Diamond, and while it haven't been easy, it was great fun fighting this season again.

Rambling again, back to today's topic, so like I said, the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge has been changed to the Community Engagement Challenge:

Challenge Theme: Favorite Strategies
We all have that go-to deck or perfect card combo that helps us secure those clutch victories. Now’s your chance to tell everyone about it! Whether it’s a clever tactic or a tried-and-true strategy, we want to hear what makes your approach to Splinterlands stand out.

Wow, there's so much here, with all the cards, rulesets and synergies there's just so many strategies you can come up with to surprise your opponent with, not everything works every time but when it does it's great fun, in a way splinterlands battles are a very very complicated rock - paper - scissor game, and with the ruleset combinations you can adapt your strategies.

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For my strategy in the featured battle it was just common sense, and it worked great. It's not a strategy I'm using for ages because I only have this card for 9 days at max level, in fact, making one of my posts last week I kind of fomo'd in on buying my Arkemis the Bear.

Again, this was a rock - paper - scissor thing, max. Diemon Shark was dominating water battles in gold level, with it's enrage and retaliate but I didn't see a lot of maxed out decks yet, but then my Diemon Shark got countered HARD with max level Arkemis, it's Forcefield and Halving makes the Diemon Shark in to more of a shrimp, so I figured I needed him!
In the last week, while adapting and learning how to play my Arkemis I learned there are counters to him too, of course, every card has it's counters.

They say solving puzzles or playing chess is good to keep your brain active and prevents dementia, I'm sure splinterlands is good for your brain too!

The battle I saved for this post is a 40 mana Modern League battle with not much choice, only the Life splinter was open to be chosen from, and the ruleset prevented the use of magic monsters to limit our options even further! The benefit of Modern League is there are only a few options to go for to choose a tank for this battle, the most obvious one would be the Drybone Barbarian, it's enrage and retaliate can be devastating, there's also the Chaos Knight, it's shield is very effective without magic attackers, from the Neutral splinter there are some other options like the Disintegrator, demoralizing the other team, or... Arkemis the Bear! This will be high damage all out ranged squad I think, so let's prepare for that...

First look at the battlefield:


Yikes, that's a full max team, and it's targeting my back-line hard, hopefully my War Pegasus is fast enough to dodge some attacks, and the poison from Uraeus doesn't drop in round 1. That being said, my Arkemis is the perfect counter to his tank, this will be a fun one, let's watch!

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: General Sloan - reason: +1 ranged damage.
  • First position: Arkemis the Bear - reason: High damage, high HP, enrage, forcefield.
  • Second position: Mana Warden - reason: Give shield to Arkemis.
  • Third position: Uraeus - reason: Good damage sneak with poison.
  • Fourth position: Venari Crystalsmith - reason: Good damage, tank heal.
  • Fifth position: Pelacor Arbalest - reason: Good damage double striker.
  • Sixth position: War Pegasus - reason: Good damage, fast and flying, shatter.

The Battle:


Round 1: That's what I call a nice start, the enemy tank died and my poison landed!


Round 2: Wow this is going way faster than I expected and my entire team is still alive!


Round 3: War Pegasus made the kill shot, securing another win for me!


You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

This was earlier in this season and my rating was still low so the earnings were lower also, but still, it's very nice to earn so much SPS every win, the glint is also very nice! 😊

That's it for this week everyone, as far as Splinterlands posts go, I'm trying to diversify my posts by making my @actifit reports bigger and let it contain more pictures from my daily life to engage more with the entire hive community, I'm still struggling a bit here but I'm committed to get this going, I'll just keep trying until it works πŸ˜„

Now, another coffee and some more splinterlands battles until real life calls!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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