Is she right or wrong?

I was sitting in my room working when the next house neighbors started to shout at one another, they were too loud for me to ignore whatever was going on among them, so I abandoned my work, slid open the window, stretched my ears to hear the gist and that was how I knew the cause of the fight.


So one of them was rearing a dog in the compound and the others were not comfortable with it, they talked about it in their group chat but did not get the desired result they wanted so they confronted the lady and that was what led to the noise in the compound.

Based on the lady's complaint, seems they want her to always put the dog on a leash but she was not buying that. She made a statement that she didn't see such a rule when she wanted to rent the apartment that she couldn't keep a dog as a pet she is paying right like the others and she was free to do whatever she wanted and if they were not satisfied, they can pack out.

I found that statement stupid, I do say that before we do something to others, we should always put ourselves in their shoes so we can know if we are doing the right thing or we are just being inconsiderate.


In a rented apartment of more than ten tenants, out of this number, some might not be a dog lover, some might be scared of dogs, some could have an allergy, and we have kids in this compound then you brought a dog home and let it roam in the compound, not to talk of how the dog used to bark, even I that lives in the next house find the barking annoying talkless of people who live in that same house.

The dog poop is another issue entirely and there are other factors that they are facing which I do not know so in this case, I blame the lady! if you want to have a pet, it is fine but let it be in your room not have it roaming in the compound, secondly, do this in your own house where you have the compound to yourself, don't use your own to inconvenience others.

I made this very clear to my tenants that I do not allow the rearing of any animals in my house, either as pets or whatever cos I won't want one person to inconvenient the others, and moreover I don't want any animals messing up the compound or disturbing the peace of the neighbors.

What is your opinion regarding this matter? do you think the tenants are wrong for complaining about the dog and the lady is right or you also think the lady is wrong for rearing a dog in a compound that is not for her alone?

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

1.19217937 BEE

Let landlord pursue everyone commot jhare lol 😂

Who get time 😂

0.00411926 BEE

lol, shey landlord get money to refund

0E-8 BEE

I completely agree with you. If it was a compound that housed about maybe five flats, I’d say get a cage. However, this is over ten people and yet no leash, no cage. That is inconsiderate and selfish. As you mentioned, there are children and some dogs lack training. I doubt hers is trained

0.00406263 BEE

it is not trained, I didn't see the dog though but the way it barks all the time disturbing the peace of the neighborhood made it obvious...

As for me, even caging it is not enough because, at a point, you will want the dog to roam, I mean you can't cage the dog without giving it any freedom to receive fresh air, so the best thing is not even to rear any unless it is a security dog and there is a time to unleash it, like night time and get them back in the cage before 6 in the morning.

0E-8 BEE

In case of compound everyone has equal right and keeping dog there needs permission of everyone. I think if anyone can keep anything in the compound,then I would love to start a business of goats there as I don't need to pay for it.

0.00404783 BEE

goats of all animals lol, am sure no one will agree to their co-tenant rearing goats in the compound cos they smell so bad

0E-8 BEE

Hehe. In that case everyone should raise their voice. In case of dog it should be the same.

0E-8 BEE

The tenants are not wrong ooh and that’s not because I’m scared of dogs but what if the dog injures someone someday?
The owner of the dog needs to think about this too

0.00392639 BEE

I felt the same that the tenants aint wrong but I don't want to be the judge, the dog injuring someone is one, but the fear she is putting on others too is there

0E-8 BEE

This man no go rest lol 😂

0E-8 BEE

Definitely not! I think the lady with the dog has to be more considerate towards her neighbors. Besides, it doesn't seem fair to let your pet roam beyond your own rented space.

0E-8 BEE