That one wish.

Hmmmm,this topic is so relatable and i without doubts will love to share with y'all what i would love for Christmas as the season demands that.

In my locality the Christmas season which as we all know is the month of December has always been a season if so much joy in the community especially amongst the children cause we all get to recieve Christmas clothes, eat and drink alot of food items from the neighborhood, well that's the mindset of a child , what else would you wish for Christmas rather than appearing in you new outfit and taking a few shots with friends and family.... it was so fulfilling...

Well, time past, years went by, and children had to grow up into men,these changed the perspectives of Christmas completely not with regards the joy it brings though but with what to expect during this glamorous season.


What do i really want for Christmas?
Should my wish to santa be that my family has an outstanding family reunion filled with so much fun and love? Because currently most if my fam are scattered across the globe to fulfill different purposes....or should I wish for that Very thing i need to easy my study in school cause i am currently a student and i undeniably need a few things to out ti off the grid..... Or should i wish for something to make my room classy or upgrading my wardrobe or even having a holiday overseas....

There are whole lot of things to wish for, but I'll rather wish santa grants all my wishes but i guess that's against the rules, if am stating the fact i sincerely need all of these things i mentioned in my life, i need that family love ,that educational stability , that personal upgrade , i need them all but its sad i cant have them all at once.

Don't stop reading already , I'll soon tell you what i really crave amongst them all
If santa would come to my door step and ask to grant me that one wish amongst all i have mentioned,i would choose to "have that outstanding family reunion saturated with yhe atmosphere of love "... Here's why ; check carefully you'll notice that all i have mentioned has to do with materialism with the exception of the wish i choose.....if youll agree with me a family's love and bond can't be bought unlike the others.....the experience can't even be replaced, its a life time memory that'll make you smile each time it flashes your mind.

I can cope without whatever i need for school , without that video game my room needs , without those trendy shirts , shoes , and trousers but i don't yhink i can even bear the thought of celebrating Christmas without my loved ones who i call family.

Thank you so much for reading, thank you #hive #hiveghana for the opportunity to share my thoughts.
Have a wonderful Christmas holiday ahead.

0E-8 BEE