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RE: Clarifying my feelings and my relationship with PsyberX

lol I did not say you don't care I said you see numbers....we see people! You are good at numbers and leverage every project you are involved in to make a good profit, this is a great skill to have.

0.05136888 BEE

I see people too, some of which are not very good with numbers.

0.00199393 BEE

lol true

0.04894571 BEE

I see people and numbers and the numbers stop to matter.
Why the number matter and why people matter. Numbers are nothing more than a measure. Unfortunately numbers are not good for measuring people. That's the confusion.
Each number has a specific value. While a persons value varies from day to day and even through the day. In all of that. The importance of the people does not change.

The problem with Hive is in what it is not doing. It stalled. No one cares because everyone is caught in their own world of creation (used loosely). Thousands of micro worlds and the world we live in forgotten.

I can sat that is truth, because there is no action to show different.

0E-8 BEE