The Office

It was a chaotic morning at the office, with papers flying, chairs rolled from one point to the others, and workers speaking at the top of their voices.

Lena sat there staring at her desk, it was as if a rat had to rummage through her stuff. Papers, pens and different files clustered amongst others. She was barely paying attention to the voice of her colleague and Junior Team leader Alex who was talking to her. Her mind was focused on something else, finding the file that contained the 'Terry brothers' report.

"Sorry, Alex, but can you find another people that Can help you with the presentation? I need to finalize this report in the next few hours," she said, rubbing her temples.

"Okay, I'll do just that", Alex agreed, walking off.

Lena leaned towards her table and held her face with her hands. It wasn't even afternoon yet, but she was already exhausted. Why were all their client's giving them deadlines today? As far as she could count that morning, there were about three clients reports and the organization's presentation that needed to be finalised that morning. And as the Head Team leader, it all fell on her head. She had no other option than to delegate some of the work to her colleagues yet it felt like the pressure wasn't reduced. She banged her table hard with her palms rolled into a fist and cursed.

Just then, the elevator bell rang and opened to reveal their boss, Mr Johnson. A man of timber and caliber. He stepped out of the elevator into the chaos raging in the office, his countenance changed as he commanded

"Team leaders, to my office now!" His voice was loud and firm, cutting through chaos and silencing the room. Then, like a soldier off to battle, he stomped his way to his office as Lena and other Team leaders ran after him with fear written on their faces.

Mr Johnson made sure he was carefully seated, and then he poured himself a glass of water from the water dispenser in his office, took a quick gulp of the cold liquid and carefully set the glass cup down on the table. He looked up to his employees who were already gathered in his office, like prisoners summoned by the chief warden then he asked

"Can someone explain to me what's going on here?" His voice was still firm but softer in tone.

He watched as everyone looked from their spot to Lena who was the Head leader, expecting her to speak on their behalf.

Lena cleared her throat "Well, sir, I came in this morning to reports of three of our top clients requesting a final report on their project so far. And I've done my best to delegate some projects but still, I don't think that will be achievable today"

"I was about to brief us of a new client, but since it's a higgledy-piggledy situation at work today. I guess that has to wait," leaning back in his chair. "So tell me, how can I help?" He asked, fingers crossed.

"For starters, I don't know..." Lena tried saying but was cut short by the office secretary who barged into the office.

"Sorry sir, but I just got a call that your pregnant wife is in labour, sir", she said to Mr Johnson with so much urgency in her voice.

Quickly, Mr Johnson sprang to his feet, grabbing his bag and jacket, he ordered, "Lena, do whatever you have to do to get a solution to this chaos. Brief me when I'm back" Then he walked out of the room.

Lena and the rest of the team stood there like packed sardines in a can. None moved nor talked. Lena could feel their eyes on her; just like earlier, the pressure had been placed on her shoulders again.

Weakly, she walked over to a chair and took a seat. Her knees felt weak and she might collapse at any moment.

"Anyone with an idea" was all she could ask.

There was silence, then gently Alex raised his hands.

"Yes Alex," Lena said, motioning him to speak.

"I was thinking since the presentation we have is within the organisation and not for a client. How about we postpone it for another day, then assign those in the presentation team to other teams for the report? Maybe more hands could make work faster"

Lena took a deep breath and thought about the idea. Mr Johnson's words echoed in her ears "Lena, do whatever you have to do to get a solution to this chaos. Brief me when I'm back". She was out of ideas and Alex's own wasn't bad.

Gradually, her face lit up with a smile. "Nice. Let's do it".

With that, she re-assigned the presentation team to other teams. And together they worked to achieve their goal for the day.

Although, they weren't able to finish all before the deadline. They made sure all reports were finalized and forwarded to their various clients before the end of the day.

A few minutes before they closed for the day, Mr Johnson walked into the office looking exhausted, like a man who had just fought a battle. But he had a big smile on his face. He called Lena to his office asking for a brief on how she handled the issue.

Lena did well to let him in on how Alex had brought up an idea, and she keyed into it.

"Good job, Lena, and thank you. You may leave now" Mr Johnson with a smile. He watched as Lena matched her way out of his office, and just at the door, he remembered. "Oh and Lena?"

Lena turned.

"Tell them it's a boy", he added with pride.


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0.00000000 BEE

I love the way you write and I love the coincidences in the story
The sweetest part of it is the boy that was born😌

0.00000000 BEE

I am happy to hear this. Thank you for reading.

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