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I didn’t receive a response though I didn’t mind and moved on.

The moment I read this part, my hair literally rose in fear. My grandma was really into superstitions, and she often tells us that if we travel alone in the night, especially in a secluded place, we should greet everyone we meet. If he/she responded, then she's a human, but if he/she didn't respond or even nod or stare back at you, then it's definitely not like us. Reading this made me reminisce about that saying of hers, and I really like how you build up the tense and sinister setting of this story. I was really spooked out throughout the whole time I read it. Thanks for sharing such a well-written thriller, @deraawrites!

0.00048698 BEE

Hehe @ridgette 😂, your grandma must have been an interesting person.

What would you do if you realised he/she is a ghost?
I'd prefer not to greet at all so I wouldn't know who is who; that feeling of seeing a ghost isn't nice when you're all alone.

Even reading this fiction was scary, thanks to Dera.

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

that feeling of seeing a ghost isn't nice when you're all alone.

ahahahaha this one's pretty relatable. Even though I believed her, whenever I walk alone, I just walk silently and not really greet anyone. I'll just wait for that person to greet rather than for me to initiate the interaction. For me, it's scarier to know if I'm walking with someone that isn't like me, so yeah—I'll keep quiet and just walk faster ahuhuhuhu.

0E-8 BEE

I think I heard that story once! From my mates in class. There were other elements but I remember deciding not to greet anyone for a whole week. I was scare as hell. I'm so glad this tale was gripping enough

0E-8 BEE

It indeed is @deraawrites! Thanks for the spooky and thrilling read. I really enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to read more of your interesting stories...

0E-8 BEE