From the strong aroma coming from the kitchen direction, Ava knew her sister was making breakfast. As if breakfast could erase the quarrel of the night before. They'd been living together ever since they graduated and had their fair share of disagreements, but last night seemed like one out of a move, At least to Ava
Maya on the other hand never seemed to take notice of their quarrels or she was probably just used to ignoring it. Maya always claimed that being the big sis, she was more mature and responsible hence why she never took the disagreements serious.
As if ignoring something meant maturity, Ava thought, partly fuming as she remembered what had caused the disagreement. As always, it usually started with something silly and this time was no different. The night before, Ava had wanted to make coffee, but found out they only had enough for one cup. Maya insisted she had been saving it for morning, a disagreement on who had the right to the remaining coffee soon ensued. They'd both gone to bed after a back and forth of hurtful words.
This morning though, as Ava stepped out of her room there was the unmistakable aroma of freshly brewed coffee. There was no way she was going to sit at the same breakfast table while her sister drank that coffee. It was either miss breakfast or completely ignore her sis during breakfast. To Ava's surprise though, Maya didn't leave any of those options on the table.
On the dining table was freshly made toast, and sitting comfortably on the side was a cup of coffee and a note with the words I'm Sorry. All the anger of the previous night seemed to melt away as the warmth and aroma of the coffee cup hit her. Maybe her sister wasn't a Jezebel after all. Smiling, Ava reached out to grab the cup of coffee.
"Tut Tut, and here I was thinking you wouldn't fall for that little trap." Maya says as she walks out of the kitchen. 'Sorry to burst your bubble, but that cup remains solely mine"
Ava didn't know which anger was more, the previous night or right now. She didn't even remember heading towards the door only that she opened it, looked back at her sister and shouted "I wish you were never in my life and you deserve all the cold in the world", and slammed the door.
It had been a really hectic day and as Ava opened the door to their apartment, something felt eerily different. It took a few seconds to recognize what was wrong. As she looked around, she could see the unmistakable presence of an untouched apartment. Everything was the way it was which was weird considering Maya should've been back at least two hours ago.
She looked at her wristwatch again to be sure the time was really past eight pm. Ava headed towards her room when she saw something that both stopped and froze her in her tracks. There was Maya standing exactly where Ava had left her that morning, still holding her cup of coffee. If Ava had just been figuratively frozen, Maya was literally frozen. As Ava watched her sister look on as though a sculpture made of ice, ice that didn't seem to melt.
Just then a shimmering light flowed out of the cup and soon what looked like a shimmering pathway made of light appeared beside Maya. A shrill almost mocking voice called out from the light.
Regretting your choice of words? Dare to enter where cold dwells? You have until midnight to find the drink of warmth or your beloved perishes. Love or hate, your decisions will save or condemn your beloved The voice repeats the same sentences over again.
My choice of words?, thought Maya, and with a sinking feeling she remembered how out of anger she'd wished her sister all the cold in the world. Everything about this whole scenario felt unreal and even with the dread running through her veins, she knew Maya would be lost unless she went wherever the shimmering pathway lead. Ava stepped in.
Ava had always heard about how cold it was at the North Pole, but even the dread she felt before stepping into the light didn't prepare her for what was in front of her. A vast land spread in front of her, with what must've been trees and grasses except there was no wind, no swaying of the grasses, no chirping of crickets or chirping birds. It was as if everything here was at a standstill and nothing of the warmth of nature could survive here. In one word, Ava had just stepped into a place she would describe as Cold.
This was no friendly place, let alone one that a stranger should move around in. She would've given up at that moment, but remembering Maya's condition and who's fault it was, she gathered a bit of courage and took her first step.
She wandered for what must've felt like eternity without seeing any thing living. Without food, without any idea where she was, it was soon turning into a lost cause as what looked like the evening sky didn't seem to be giving way. It was as if even the moon, sun and stars were at a standstill, it resembled an eclipse at a standstill.
She found a spot to sit and must've fell asleep as no sooner had she closed her eyes, when the same voice from before woke her in alarm, in the same shrill tone.
You sleep while your sibling is on the verge of loosing her life the voice seemed to be everywhere at once. Indeed your love is nothing but a fickle creature
"No, I love my sister dearly. I didn't mean anything I said" Ava shouted, tears already in her eyes
YOU LIE MORTAL, I can see your heart mortal and it is only filled with anger. Your anger eclipses your love. the voice threatened This is a place that feeds on the cold of your heart, only the opposite can save you here
At that moment Ava realized how much anger she'd been holding in. Maya had always felt rigid to her, but most of their quarrels were always over very little things. Ava realized how much she loved her sister and just how important Maya was in her life.
Tears still in her eyes, she dropped to the floor in surrender. The voice was right, her anger had eclipsed the important connection and bond they both shared. She wished she had another chance to make it all right once again. She would give anything to make Maya survive, even if it meant trading places with her.
Immediately the thought left her head, the same light seemed to flow from her heart into the surrounding as immediately everything began to change right before her eyes. What had just been the most transformed into the most beautiful forest she had ever seen as the sound of nature and it's returned like it never left. Up above in the sky, a brilliant sun shone and for the first time since arriving here Ava knew the only word for what she was feeling was warmth.
You have made the right choice Ava and saved this cold place. Behind you is a pouch containing enough coffee beans to make a cup, Use it wisely
Immediately the same shimmering pathway she had seen before, appeared in front of her. As much as she loved the new look of the place, she had a sister to save. Ava grabbed the pouch and stepped into the light for the second time.
This time around, she was back right in front of sister. The wall clock showed she had only about thirty minutes before midnight. Quickly she put the coffee beans in the coffee grinder and some water in a kettle. In no time she had a steaming cup of coffee in hand.
It was perhaps the most enticing aroma she'd ever inhaled and she was almost tempted to take a sip. It took a few minutes of nerve wracking maneuvering, but eventually she was able to get some of the coffee into Maya's mouth just a few minutes before midnight. A few minutes later, it was a colorful Maya standing in front of her as Ava slammed into her sister in a tight hug.
It took what seemed to be an eternity for Ava to calm down properly enough to explain all that happened, as absurd as it sounded. It equally took Maya some time to process the fact that her sister wasn't loosing a few nuts up there, particularly as there was no explanation for how one second she was sipping a cup of coffee in the morning and the next, it was midnight.
Both sisters agreed there and then to always settle their differences no matter what might come up. Ava didn't need convincing, as one trip to Unwonderland was enough to last a lifetime. It turned out that Maya never even touched the coffee at home, but instead ordered one from a coffee shop closeby and decided to play a small prank on her sister.
They both decided to live in harmony from then onward, starting with sharing the remaining coffee together. Love had finally won.
That's typical siblings life, but one still has to mind every word uttered as they could cause unknown damage.
Thanks for the mention @theinkwell