36 Life Lessons to Help You Succeed

I came across this post and thought it was excellent, I wish I had read and practiced sooner.

These ideas can help you improve yourself emotionally and financially. Enjoy.

  1. Make decisions your future self will thank you for, not resent you for.

  2. Somebody you know and love is going to die within the next 10 years. It could even be you. So live accordingly.

  3. Respect and honour your parents. If they did a great job, thank them. If they didn't, forgive and learn from their mistakes.

  4. Don't put your faith in the government or politicians. You will always be disappointed.

  5. Practice gratitude daily. Consciously and intentionally.

  6. Treat your body with respect. You only get ONE and it has to last a lifetime.

  7. Invest consistently. In yourself, with your time, money, and in your relationships.

  8. Don't outsource your thinking to other people. 'Experts' are frequently wrong (and often paid to be).

  9. Not seeing immediate, obvious progress doesn't mean you're not making it. Not seeing immediate, obvious damage doesn't mean you're not inflicting it.

  10. Be careful with advice. Take it from people who have done and achieved what you wish to do and achieve.

  11. Health and time are more valuable resources than money.

  12. There is wisdom in crowds, but also foolishness. Doing something just because 'everybody else is doing it' is dumb, but 'everybody else' may be doing it for good reason.

  13. Nobody has all the answers. It's OK to say "I don't know".

  14. All media is designed to influence you in some direction. Recognise it for what it is.

  15. Men and women are different in many important ways (and that's good). Accept it. Biology trumps social engineering.

  16. Money is abundant and easy to make. Most people never 'crack the code' because they're trained to believe otherwise by those who didn't.

  17. True confidence is derived from competence. Instead of 'faking it' - become competent.

  18. Nobody is coming to 'save' you.

  19. Intelligence, wisdom, and education are different traits. You can have a masters or PhD and still be a lemming.

  20. Learning another language (or two) is worthwhile. Even basic fluency is valuable. You won't fully appreciate why until you do it.

  21. Avoid vices. Alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, and junk food will damage you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Not seeing immediate and obvious damage doesn't mean you're not inflicting it.

  22. Strength train. No other form of exercise has all the same benefits.

  23. Your mindset becomes your reality. Whatever you believe to be true about the world, positive or negative, you will find evidence to confirm it.

  24. Resentment is deadly. When you feel ill will building inside you, address it. Quickly.

  25. Excellent communicators are rare. Learn how to read well, write well, listen well, and speak well. You'll be powerful.

  26. Your habits and choices over the next 10 years will greatly determine how easy or difficult your 30s will be. Pick wisely.

  27. Nobody can 'oppress' you as much as you can oppress yourself.

  28. Don't compare yourself to people ahead of you in years and experience. Compare to your previous self.

  29. Don't judge entire groups based on individual actions. You'll always be wrong.

  30. Courage and cowardice are both habits. Pick courage, before it becomes too difficult to.

  31. Old ideas are not inherently bad. New ideas are not inherently good. Tried and tested usually beats novel and untested.

  32. Exceptions exist to everything.

  33. Take pride in your appearance. People will judge you based on it - rightly or wrongly.

  34. Politeness and kindness will get you far. Being rude and abrasive makes you unlikeable, and that makes life harder and less pleasant.

  35. Don't pick between 'working hard' and 'working smart'. Do both.

  36. Be humble. You stop learning once you think you know it all.


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It is a decent list to live by.

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