Add up to you Investment skills instead of giving up

A mindset of a good investor at this period of cryptocurrency bearish market is to add up to their investment activities
Yes the situation has not being funny for quite some month but despite that a good investor should be able understand that their is time for everything and in cryptocurrency we have both bull market and the bear market so this shouldn't come as a surprise to most of us as it is not the first time this will be happening.
Bear market should build us and prepare us for a better future taking us through the hard situation should make us stronger even when the worse situation has not happened with this our experience in cryptocurrency should be broaden and we can all learn that in life anything can happen and this apply to everyone both old small expert and novice we are all affected by this situation and when have all learn one lesson or the other .
Smart Investors who believe in the long term investment have already have their plans to continue to accumulate more cryptocurrency or token for the future this should be a plan we should all emulate as an investor till the bear market is over giving up is never an option some investors have been discourage already and have decided to sell in panic and FOMO as taking over them .
My advice to those investors that will be the last man standing with me please stay strong and believe in the long term investment strategy let's keep accumulating let's HODL once small let's keep buying till we have no more to buy and we shall all smile at the end of the bear market situation.

Thanks for visiting my blog @tobywalter cares 💕💖💖💖💖💖💕💞💕💞💞💕💕💞💕💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💞💕💞💕

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Week 133 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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