Crypto Gives You More Chances Than You Can Count



How many people thought we will be getting back to 15k-24k btc? I can quite remember how bullish Twitter peeps were when btc broke through 68k. The only thing I saw was btc to 100k sooner or later. In fact, some people swore that btc will get to 100k before it even goes back to 50k. But btc was gone to 20k more times than it broke through 50k.

Is it not funny, how a low can become a new high (bullishness) the next moment? What I mean is how can maybe 20k be a low for this week and then next week we see a lot of people shouting if BTC breaks through 20k then we are bullish.

Well, I think all this adds to the joy and fun of being a trader who trusts in the assets he or she buys. The market will always give you an opportunity they say. And then here comes the opportunity.

But then how many people grasp the opportunity when it comes running to them? In fact, a lot of people run away from this opportunity because they are so scared to HODL. They are scared to put their money in for the long term.

The moment you see BTC break through 30k will be the time people will start buying. They prefer getting the coin at huge prices than buying it low or should I say buying the dip.

Every one of us loves cheap but good things so I always wonder why some people don’t love cheap Bitcoin. You have gotten bitcoin which sells at 69k per one at 15k and you say you don’t want it?

Well, how many investment opportunities give you this number of chances? In fact, those investments don’t give an f about you. But at the end of the invest in the king, even if you don’t invest in the king, you should invest in the queen.

I call eth the queen because it does a lot of amazing things. If anyone told me 1 eth could buy at less than 1000 dollars one day I would be the one to argue my lungs out. But look at it, eth almost fell to 700 dollars some time ago.

Did you buy the eth dip? Am sure you would have gotten your money back plus a profit. That’s a win-win situation. So next time when in doubt remember the opportunity to trade with always be there at cheaper prices. It might not be this way in some years to come. Get on the train and buy some cheap crypto.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We still found ways to complain about discounted crypto prices. And our greediness wants the prices to go down more so that we can buy more. These opportunities don't come frequently so it's always good to capitalize on them.


Some of us do want the prices to drop a bit but those who are not in it for the long term are only in it when the prices are good hence they will prefer it rising and when it has gotten to its peak they now buy it. Mostly it doesn't even go well for them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Indeed. Since they don't have a good understanding of things, they tend to mess it all up.
