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RE: My last post?


When it comes to anything superficial, sweeping it under the rug won't help. Superficial types will find something else to look at.

When I post, I look at my view count on PeakD, which doesn't cover all the views but you can look at how many are using each frontend then calculate in your head a rough estimate. When those views are down, I try to come back with something bigger because I think it's my fault. Not going to blame the ground I stand on for the reason my feet ache.

Superficial nonsense is partially contributing to some of the drama here. People don't see dude as a human, they see him as a "whale." Creating distance and making it easier to diss him. Nearly all stakeholders here are dehumanized or dehumanize themselves when they look at their wallets then try to tell others they're small and insignificant for instance.

It's messed up but sweeping it under the rug won't change anything. Maybe make a MIRROR token and everyone can have a look.

Don't shoot me. That last part was a joke.

0E-8 BEE

I'd support that token :D !!

It's not as simple as we'd like it to be though...

It's the nature of the mind to protect itself so...

We do the best we can with what we have until we know better. The end.

Hope you have a happy, peaceful Saturday and get some sunshine in ❣️

0E-8 BEE