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RE: My last post?


I'll tell you right now your voice matters. Your views matter. I'm not taking a position on anything you've said. However, out of respect, your response here about the downvote is indicative of someone who has just been manipulated by this drama.

Reality dictates Marky was simply countering xeldal's votes. Is it a stupid reality for everyone else? Yes. Who's to blame? Both of them equally, nobody else, and especially not you or your views.

Don't let the drama fuck with you. Stay focused. Since you were duped into responding in that manner, that could discourage others from speaking their mind, and both of these people are to blame for that, equally, and not anyone else. They are one and united. It is their problem. Xeldal knew in advance you'd be downvoted.

The moment everyone rises above all this shit and sees it for what it truly is, is the moment the drama loses control over the minds of others. Once that's gone it's just two fish flopping around and everyone can focus and get back to their lives.

0E-8 BEE

I do agree with you; but the drama does fuck with my feed; find new source of information, gone again because nuked, repeat.

And I am curious about the function/principle that makes people with power (and good will) so out of touch with people ;)

0E-8 BEE