Cryptocurrencies: The Calm before the Storm?

It has been a long time since we experienced the quietness in the crypto market. The relative silence, the still, the unusual calm in contrast to the daily buzz. Do we ever prepare for this? Maybe only a few did prepare and majorly born out of previous experience. For newbies who get overly ecstatic and get caught up in the peak of the run, it's a sad different story.

I think only few would argue that last year was the best year in terms of the crypto market. You could see new projects at every corner, springing up and making strides with little effort. The FOMO was intense and you just needed the right dose of hype to pull the crowd towards you. The greed index was peak and truly felt like a fantasy manifesting right before our eyes.

It has never been the same since then. Every new project now has to put in a shit ton of effort to gain their desired traction. Nft projects don't even mint out anymore. Even the coins we staked in the hope for the best have turned to dust. Take Luna for example.. Or Juno. Juno offered a lot of airdrop opportunities and I personally staked some. I got some airdrops and of course I held it to zero (that's on me) I had to eventually unstake at a loss.

I tried to participate in some other activities to get retroactive airdrops but nothing to show for it and then I, alongside others started to get weary. We basically lost interest in partaking in any task, activities on test nets or what have you for potential airdrops. It was never going to be easy. The bear market had crept in and is now in its full glory. Making money just got 10x more challenging.

It's no news that Bitcoin controls the crypto market and well, it has been ranging for between 20k for the past few months now. So many callers say we are going to 10k whole others are utterly convinced that it's only up from here.

One thing we know is that following the initial dip, it has been relatively stable since then and I, for one, am curious to see how the next few months play out. It has already defied history, October has always been dubbed Uptober and I can vividly remember the kind of run we had this time last year. We have gotten nothing so far but I sincerely hope its going to get better from here on.

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