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RE: My last post?

It's not really a problem if it's part of the system. What is problematic is that it offboarded way more people already than what is left today.

If a decently wired human has 1Million reasons to do something and one good reason to not do it, we will always step aside and don't do it. That's just how we work, the frontal context has nearly no other job. Keeps us alive, and keeps people away after getting downvoted by some random other Hiver.

0E-8 BEE

Systems can absolutely generate problems and this is an example of something that needs to be improved upon to minimise the problems.

Human conditioning in people who have not healed and 'rewired' themselves includes a bias towards rejection of 'bad' things when compared to attraction towards 'good' things, so yes - a failure to understand this will result in an onboarding problem for Hive.

0E-8 BEE

@thevil :D hahah, That Walletname is really something

0E-8 BEE