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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive



I'm glad I was able to do that for you! We need whatever LOLs we can get, especially with markets being what they are and money being of less worth than it should be. Life isn't always about money, but it's just so in-your-face and out-the-door these days.

0.00003313 BEE

Soon I will be drinking the blood of my enemies through their skulls and listening to SLAAAAAAAAAYER!!!!! I just cant wait till we get back to basics. Bartering. I am way ahead of the game. I have so many old school says. like back from the 40's when humans were big time douche bags and were just willie nillie cutting down the giant Sequoias in Yosemite!! I have 12' spike. These, these are the things that are worth trading. cryptowhaaaa? MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

0E-8 BEE