The Allocation Of Time

I heard this 'nugget' almost two decades ago...

"We all have 1440 minutes in a day!"

Think about that for a second....

No matter who you are, what country you are in, what your situation may be....You have the maximum of 1440 minutes in a day.

This has always fascinated me as to what people choose to allocate those precious minutes to. Every day, we make choices on how we 'spend' our time. Problem is, you can't earn or buy more time. You have 1440 minutes....That's it.

The majority of the world chooses entertainment. Whether it's social media, the movies, Netflix, whatever...A large chunk of us choose to be...Entertained.

Nothing wrong with sitting back and enjoying a movie or two...But remember, those are minutes, you are spending.

What's the return on investment on that time spent?

A few laughs, good memories, an enjoying time...Again, nothing wrong with that. But over the years I've been really trying to do better with my allocation of time.

I used to teach in our old training at Click Track Profit, that we should choose self-education with our spare time. Reading books, listening to great podcasts, watching a TED talk, etc

The problem for me these days is....Reading a book, is hard to do when you are driving an 18-wheeler lol

So.....I decided to work on my 'time'. Instead of reading, I'm now spending those days behind the wheel...Going to school!

I've purchased dozens of audiobooks from authors I enjoy and learn a lot from. Think about it, while I'm driving around I'm being mentored by some of the greatest thought leaders of our time.

Brian Tracy used to teach that in our commutes to and from work, in the span of a year we could potentially get the equivalent of a college degree if we listened to seminars and audio books.

I'm not trying to down play a typical education, but the example is simple....Spend your 'spare time' on something that allows you to grow.

For me, it's while I'm driving the truck.

For you, it might be something completely different.

The point is, we should always choose to allocate our time wisely. Because no matter what we choose, the future will be determined on what we spent that time on....

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0.45502479 BEE

I love entertainment, It's better to do something better.
The 1440 minute should be more of development or producivity

0.00003105 BEE

It's all a personal choice at the end of the day!

0E-8 BEE

Indeed time is the most valuable asset on the planet. Time spent on education is the best investment along with quality time among friends and family. Multi-tasking makes your time doubly valuable.

0.00003116 BEE

yup, absolutely. time invested on relationships, always wins!

0E-8 BEE

It's hard to do time management but it's life. There is only so much we can do and whether or not it's for enjoyment or productivity is all up to us. I think listening to things while on the road isn't a bad idea at all.

0.00003110 BEE

It helps me for sure, kill the time lol But also, learn lots in the process.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah, setting priorities is really important... and perhaps the most important thing is to be conscious of how you use your time. If you want to be entertained, fine... but be aware that you are choosing that. Don't drift through life on cruise control!


0.00003113 BEE

Exactly, nothing wrong with enjoying a show now and again, but just make sure you prioritize things that add to your future.

0E-8 BEE

Recording the view while driving can be hassle free. But apart from that focus has to be on road for safety. I feel managing the time and making the right slots for spending the time is not easy. You have to understand how to handle that with asana, trello type of apps some of the times. I have been taking that approach.

0.00003109 BEE

Oh I'm always pulled over when I'm doing the show lol

0E-8 BEE

I had a couple of factory jobs that were great. One was a contract temp job for one year doing grit blasting. One of my best years. I learned so much from audio books. I even got through the Game of Thrones and Hyperion books. The only problem was that I couldn't highlight or mark anything.I'd have to read the books again to highlight passages.

But, yes. This is a great opportunity for you. You're spot on.

0.00003134 BEE

yeah good point. nothing better than marking up a book with highlights!

0E-8 BEE


0.00003098 BEE

Thank you sir, always appreciate the support!

0E-8 BEE

Time is power and power is found in time

0.00003070 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Well, I have known since a very long time that we have 1440 minutes in a day but I always think that the day is very long until I began my offline work and realized that the day is very short so it is advisable to spend my time well...

0.00003098 BEE

Oh for sure, and we use those minutes up quickly!

0E-8 BEE

"We all have 1440 minutes in a day!"

I had never heard of this rule.

0.00003070 BEE

Just some math :)

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for sharing 🤗

0.00003071 BEE

Thanks for stopping by!

0E-8 BEE