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Reading through your minimalism story it's obvious I could relate very well except for the fact that you are a guy of course.
While growing up, I always tried to maintain a minimal lifestyle not really because I was trained to but just because I just hate unnecessary spending. My dad is a very good maximalist, he always complains he does not have any money but he still ends up getting things that sometimes I feel they are not necessary.
I do spend money but I always want it to be on something that is worth it. In fact some times I just give out my money because I know if it was left for me, I always feel satisfied with what I have. Sometimes I feel like I am cursed though, lolz.
Say what? Repeat this part again. Like explain.... I didn't get it.
Hahaha, like I have to borrow the money out to someone to make use of it or else it will just be there 😂😂, Instead of it just being there when there is someone in need that of it that I know of.
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Looool a maximalist is even more, maybe your dad just fancied more things and it came with that particular generation of his. My dad too was like that and it ruined him a lot, but I think, we're the newer generations and we're learning even better.
Sometimes we cannot even really maintain our Minimalist life and let it define us unless we've had the money to fund our excesses, sometimes our true lifestyles are only evident when we have money.
I think you are right, it came with that age and it's so sad that some in this generation are still following in their steps.
Having money in our possession is what truly defines us whether or not we are maximalist or minimalist.