How to make money playing dCity

How to make money playing dCity.

Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.

A look at setting up your dCity to mine citizens in order to make money playing the game.

Yes I’m wired a little differently to your average crypto gamer, but it’s the tokenomics of the dCity SIM token and wider game economy that I’m drawn to.

I’ve previously talked about the best Hive defi Diesel Pool being the SWAP.HIVE:SIM LP and even tried my hand at dCity human trafficking (lol, or flipping dCity NFTs for profit).

But not often do I talk about actually setting up a city and playing the game itself.

Unitil today!

This blog takes a look at how to make money playing dCity with a focus on using smaller starter cities to mine citizens.

Using a smaller city to mine citizens

If you listen to or read the opinions of regular gamers however, they will tell you that dCity is garbage.

That the game is all but dead because of high in-game taxes making it hard for your city to make an income.

Blah blah blah, cry cry cry.

The thing about dCity however, is that there are so many different layers to the game.

Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat (apparently… I mean I’ve never actually skinned one), there is more than one way to make money playing dCity.

The β€œincome” that your city earns in the form of SIM itself, is just a tiny part of what your city can produce.

With the right setup, your city can be optimised to also produce NFTs.

NFTs that if you so please, can easily then be sold on the market for SIM.

The best proponent of this strategy who I have to first give a shout out to here, is gun dCity player @ecoinstant.

Eco has been sharing his dCity citizen mining strategy with the community for a while now and his latest nuclear powered citizen mining facility is the particular route that I’ve chosen.

But as you can see from the alternative citizen mining approach that @senstless has taken, there are profitable variations you can apply.

Nuclear powered citizen mining city

Eco will happily sell you a ready made nuclear powered citizen mining city, but I took the el cheapo option and bought the cards to my city individually by making lowball bids.

My new dCity nuclear powered citizen mining city.

I managed to buy the city for:

  • Park: 75 x 225 SIM = 16,875 SIM
  • Art Gallery: 13 x 620 SIM = 8,060 SIM
  • Police Station: 1 x 1,331 SIM = 1,331 SIM
  • Cold Fusion: 1 x 38 SIM = 38 SIM
  • Nuclear Plant: 4 x 862 SIM = 3,448 SIM

Total city cost = 29,752 SIM

Using ask prices as a guide, Eco is charging 35,925 SIM for the same city.

So I’m pretty happy with my savvy little dCity NFT pickups.

As you can see on the screenshot above, this city has a 30% chance of

Let’s go ahead and assume that we will still be able to sell Homeless cards for 100 SIM, Immigrant cards for 200 SIM and like in Eco’s model, that we can land a citizen card on 75% of days.

The math becomes:

  • 0.75 *365 * (200+100)/2 = 41,062.5 SIM per year

Which is at least 132% APR.

Even better if you use the same tactics as me and show the patience required to buy your city off the market.

Not a bad ROI, right?

All with a city that doesn’t even bother to worry about incomes being affected by the high tax rates required to keep the SIM price stable.

Scaling a citizen mining city

As you can see, it is most definitely possible to make money playing dCity.

But just for shits and giggles as I wrap up, let’s consider how to scale this citizen mining operation.

While Eco talks about using your profits to expand your city’s future earning potential in other areas, you can also just keep duplicating your city onto new accounts.

Using the math above, 41,062.5 SIM per year works out to be roughly $20 USD.

So in order to make a $50,000 per year income from playing dCity, we will need 2,500 of these cities.

Hilariously, that will require 2,500 separate Hive accounts (each containing 15 HP in order to transact) and a grand total of 187,500 Parks!

Better get buying.

Best of probabilities to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

1.77010648 BEE

Great work finding a newer cheaper way to get to the same goal. It is a lot of work to search through all the cards and current market prices and stats. I bookmark this one incase In case I need to build another city. !PIZZA, !LUV

0.07328932 BEE

@senstless(2/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

0E-8 BEE

Thanks mate, I stumbled across the blog about your starter city when I was just doing some research to see what else was out there.

The format of that post is great and you should definitely do some more like it.

Have you thought about trying to scale up your citizen mining operation?

Would you just duplicate your starter city onto a new account or look to keep adding cards to your current city?

I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts on how to scale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Hmmm $20 per year… just park that money on PolyCub.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00105716 BEE

Thanks to you, I'm now interested in PolyCub. πŸ™‚

0E-8 BEE

If you've never dipped your toes into the world of DeFi before, I'd definitely recommend Cub Finance on BSC and PolyCub on Polygon.

Using the LEO token as a bridge, you can earn money from your writing/gaming on Hive and then use those tokens to earn higher yields.

Give it a go!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Heh. Welcome :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Haha true.

But if you scale up your citizen mining operation by adding more cities, it has the same outcome as buying more POLYCUB.

Granted it is a LOT more work.

But (potentially?) less risky.

And fun! ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I have never understood dcity. I've logged in but it's pretty overwhelming. I appreciate your post. I'm gonna take another look at the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00105220 BEE

I was overwhelmed at first, but after a little while, I actually found that it is all documented somewhere and the server is super helpful. Its super low key to get started and can have low daily input if you want a break.

0.07374332 BEE

Yep, this too :)

Just start small with a very clear goal like:

  • Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

If you're genuinely interested in giving it a go, just buy the exact cards I have here.

You will start to receive homeless, immigrant and student cards every couple of days which you can instantly sell.

Reinvest as you start to learn more, or cash out.

I can't recommend dCity enough :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I think my own city is bugged because I haven't gotten a citizen in a long time. It just doesn't make sense to me anymore but at least I can mine some tech cards. It makes me wonder if I should just sell out my cards and the diesel pool looks like a better investment to me.

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0.00104789 BEE

Still no citizen??

0E-8 BEE

I haven't gotten any citizens in the past few months and it just doesn't make sense. I do get technology cards every now and then though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Your chance of getting a new citizen using your current setup is just 6%:

jfang's dCity.

If it doesn't make sense, I recommend just simplifying everything down to a single clear goal.

For example:

  • Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

To try and best achieve this, sell all your cards and replace them with those in this blog.

It will bump your chance of mining citizens up a lot higher and streamline your process.

Playing dCity doesn't have to be overwhelming and as you can see by the numbers here, can offer an excellent ROI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

The problem is that is 6% every 2 hours and it has been months since the last time I got a citizen. What are the chances of that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Dcity became very confusing with the 3rd update x)

0.00104587 BEE

If it doesn't make sense, I recommend just simplifying everything down to a single clear goal.

For example:

Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

That's all I've done in the city I've spoken about in this blog.

It's not that hard and offers an excellent ROI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

6.1E-7 BEE

All I do is hodl and get hive rewards from my sim holding xD

0E-8 BEE

Haha I wonder if anyone has the energy to create and build 2500 cities πŸ˜…

0.00104460 BEE

Hold my beer!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Interesting view and strategy on making most of it on the DCity blockchain game on Hive. My city is a little bit crowded and I let it self manage :) while some new properties would make it better. But as I am lazy with it and that I would need to do sophisticated math, I am letting it passively develop.

Still, I see when you have many cards the game loads pretty slowly. I think if the UX would be reshaped, the game might see some new energy and players coming in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00103959 BEE

I just searched the behiver city and while it is lacking citizens, it certainly looks pretty cool! :)

If you can't be bothered with it, maybe you'd be better off selling off your cards and putting the SIM to work in the LP?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I was a big dctiy player in the past but I have to admit that the game simply has become too complex and I kind of get a headache just to understand how it works. Your strategy looks interesting though. Thanks for sharing.

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post! Comment Footer.jpg

0.00103537 BEE

Streamline it :)

I'd recommend just simplifying everything down to a single clear goal.

For example:

  • Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

That's all I've done in the city I've spoken about in this blog.

It's not that hard and offers an excellent ROI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I just decided to check on my city that has been banging away for a long time unchecked. Got a heap of NFTs I didn't know about and now I can sell them for some big $$$$ (probably around $5 all up!)

0.00103612 BEE

Ayy, and I see you've now turned it into the model I've outlined in the post?

Nice :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I couldn't pass up the chance to earn $20 across the year!

0E-8 BEE

I appreciate people breaking down their strategies because I never really took the time to actually learn the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00102650 BEE

If you actually want to give it a go, you really don't have to learn anything now.

Just simplify everything down to the one goal:

  • Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

Match this exact city and sell the citizen cards that roll in.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

I am realizing that with the chance of student drops the apr is even richer!

By the way, you also beat my discount, I'm selling these at 31000 sim. The cheaper your initial investment - the better the ROI!

Happy mining!!

0.00100007 BEE

It's now day 2 of this city and my first citizen that comes in was a student.

Cha ching!

Have you thought about trying to scale up your citizen mining operation?

Would you just duplicate your starter city onto a new account or look to keep adding cards to your current city?

I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts on how to scale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.07331751 BEE

The math becomes:

0.75 *365 * (200+100)/2 = 41,062.5 SIM per year
Which is at least 132% APR.

And that's just if stays at the same price and doesn't go down :v

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0.00099347 BEE

What if the price of SIM goes up? :v

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0.00000101 BEE

do I need to "unlock" anything to get that stuff?
I am kind of stuck with dcity right now, no idea how to earn anything there lol

0.00098945 BEE

The only technology you need to unlock is the following:

Tech to unlock.

This will allow you to use the Cold Fusion card that you bought.

If you're stuck and don't know how to earn then just simplify everything down to the one goal:

  • Trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

Match this exact city and sell the citizen cards that roll in.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00090178 BEE

thank you, I will try to do that :)

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for the information and for your analysis.
I've tried playing dCity before but its a little confusing and I don't know what I'm doing. πŸ˜€
I wish I had read this kinds of information before.

My hands are currently tide right now so I can only play one game (Splinterlands) for now.

I will also bookmark your post just incase I decide again to play it.

Btw, I checked the price of SIM on Tribaldex and it's in a down trend while Hive is about to "break".
If I'm gonna invest in SIM, then now is probably not the best time. I might wait for Hive to break first and or see a pretty good support price for SIM.
Just a personal preference of mine. πŸ™‚

Have a slice of !PIZZA.

0.00098719 BEE

Haha, the game will be here when you're ready :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

Storing this one aside to read later. Out of all the hive games this one is the most confusing to me.


0.00098360 BEE

Dogs can't see your bones.
But CAT scan.

Credit: marshmellowman
@forexbrokr, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @imno
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (10/10)

0E-8 BEE

To begin, just simplify everything down to the one goal of trying to 'mine' citizen cards that you can sell.

Match the exact city in the post and sell the citizen NFTs that come in.

Keep it small for fun, or scale it up by duplicating the city onto new accounts.

Simple ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE