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I used to think the hardest cycle in the market was the bear market because your bag just keeps going down. But I'm begining to think differently because like you said, the difficulty is knowing and decind deciding when to leave the market. It's very important to have an exit plan before you enter any position so that no matter what happens, you know what you're doing and why. It's easy to have your discipline clowded by euphoria in the market. A well-defined exit strategy will help not to fall into the pitfall of emotion-driven trades.
Haha it seems you've learned a lot in this cycle and to be very honest, I'm happy for you. If I took the time to actually educate myself in the last cycle, I might have been in a better position in this cycle.
I hope above all things that you actually get to make enough profit and then be able to reinvest, God willing.
The next few months will be euphoric and wild.
Thanks for the well wishes, man.
I’m really banking a lot on this cycle. I’m trying my best to maximize my profits whiles also keeping tight risk management to not get burnt chasing big profits.
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