Is Getting to 1 Crore the Hardest?

The wealth explodes after 1 Crore or 100K but getting to the 1 Crore is also the hardest. We have to grind really hard to get to that 1 Crore. For example, I have been working from the last 12 years but could not reach to that 1 Crore mark still. I am talking about invested amount and not the networth.

The problem is when you have the 1 Crore invested in the market getting 10% yearly is quite easy. Now if you don't invest anything, the next 1 Crore would be really easy and you get it in less than 7 years and then the next 1 Crore will be much less.

For example, if I take Hive Power into example, getting into 100K Hive Power is the hardest and then with the curation rewards and other rewards, getting 200K would be relatively easy than the first 100K. And that happens everywhere where the first 1 Crore, 100K is the hardest. So why the next is the easiest because of the compounding. When you have 100K in your account, and if you are getting the interest or in Hive curation rewards you get to the next 100K relatively easily because you have the base ready. Similarly getting to the first 10K seems to be harder and then next 10K is again relatively easy.

That's the power of compounding and that's why when you have more time with you, you get to the target relatively easy. Whoever is saying that 50 Crore when they turned 50 years because they have started when they are relatively young and they get more than 25 to 30 years to reach to that point and when you get good salary at the start getting to that point seems quite easy with Compounding with your side.

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