The reality is that a couple dozen whales outweigh all the minnows and dolphins on the platform. You mentioned that not all the whales are on the same page, but that's even more true for the myriad people with myriad levels of interest in a variety of features, and not enough stake to push anything against even one whale without a thousand other people that happen to agree with their stance close enough to back them up.
Taking down the bidbots was something that generated a lot of agreement, but that's pretty egregious, and the backroom shenanigans ongoing at the highly staked tables are pretty opaque. Such broad agreement to counter shady and covert dealmaking is vanishingly unlikely, and they know that. Folks that can put their $.02 in see no reason to bother unless they can jump on a bandwagon or get one rolling - for some reason that matters to them enough.
It takes a lot of outrage before much happens, although plenty of folks do bother to have their vote on such matters. I do, for example, and hundreds of others too. But it doesn't take much to make our little minnow and dolphin votes worthless.
It can seem that way.
Also, if you look closely at the SPL proposal for example, you'll see (as of this writing) 813 in control. If you're using Peakd, on the proposals page, you can see the entire breakdown. All voters and HP levels. Just click where it says "Vote value 27,070,001.565HP" (as of this writing). It helps to scroll all the way down so it all loads properly.
27m HP. They still have plenty of incentive to increase that number, as their opposition dwindles.
Return proposal. 652 in control. Current HP slightly above 30 million. Much of that 27m HP probably won't be touching that return proposal, so that pile's out.
People powering down while being in support of SPL, acting like a, support leak. Someone has to fill that hole so more participants might step up. Meanwhile daily rewards roll in pushing the value up. So that's several more contributing, indirectly.
Not a closed shop. Wide open. Come join the party. They'll be advertising this shit for weeks and weeks to a sizeable community. Many are still unaware. More organic support incoming for sure.
Since day one, I have always been against this idea that the accounts with a low level of HP are worthless. Those individuals are not small. The dehumanizing nature of these words like minnow and whale. Pardon my language but that really fucks with peoples heads. They need to know they contributed to that 27m HP up there. Deserve the credit, as a group, regardless of HP level, equally. This is why you never see me subscribing to the idea those with high levels of HP call all the shots. I don't want people walking in here feeling small, by default, due to the culture. They call their shots, I call mine, you can call yours. It's all the same and adds up.
I will always sit here and show them they mean something. And I started with nothing. I've worn those shoes. Knew my own worth as a man and that HP number means nothing, since day one.
You've twisted my words and said I'm being disingenuous.
I took some flak a few months back for this:
64m HP at the time of writing shared between "dolphins" and "orcas". Plenty of potential participants there. Enough to push a proposal through.
Took some flak on the day that SPL proposal went live after suggesting, in so many words, Splinterlands try to pull this off organically.
It is, how can I put this gently... unfortunate someone there went around pulling strings and pushing buttons behind the scenes like that. Throwing a wrench in the works. Seeing no value in the actual community and instead trying to play chess with votes and people. Used the word "swayed" and somehow forgot the pendulum comes back.
I still think my suggestion is, a better idea.
It's fine if people disagree with me. A guy gets used to that after awhile.
Finally this place grows a pair and says enough is enough with posts like marky's here. I'm sure you've seen the show and I noticed you and I end up a lot of the same parties.
This looks bad, but it's good.
What else...
We can do better. It's possible. This whole DHF system is like trying to find order out of chaos but eventually all these falling apples turn themselves into a pie somehow like it's magic or some shit and it takes a fuck of a lot more than 20 people to do that.
Returned my vote to the return proposal once again, like hitting reset button since that's where it was before all this SPL shit started. Not touching it, like I said on day one. Moving on.
Sorry for wasting your time with this response. ;)
And no hard feelings, of course.
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