As of this writing and using SPL as an example. If one or two more participants with large stacks step up in support of that proposal and that's enough to push it into approved status, that does not mean those individuals were responsible for the decision. They're simply added to the pile of 800 participants. It all adds up. That one sitting there with 10 HP could be enough to push a proposal into approved status. And if this system was running at its full potential, that particular proposal would have thousands of smaller votes backing it.
The reality is that a couple dozen whales outweigh all the minnows and dolphins on the platform. You mentioned that not all the whales are on the same page, but that's even more true for the myriad people with myriad levels of interest in a variety of features, and not enough stake to push anything against even one whale without a thousand other people that happen to agree with their stance close enough to back them up.
Taking down the bidbots was something that generated a lot of agreement, but that's pretty egregious, and the backroom shenanigans ongoing at the highly staked tables are pretty opaque. Such broad agreement to counter shady and covert dealmaking is vanishingly unlikely, and they know that. Folks that can put their $.02 in see no reason to bother unless they can jump on a bandwagon or get one rolling - for some reason that matters to them enough.
It takes a lot of outrage before much happens, although plenty of folks do bother to have their vote on such matters. I do, for example, and hundreds of others too. But it doesn't take much to make our little minnow and dolphin votes worthless.
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