Christmas With The Kranks

People crave the spirit of Christmas but with the Kranks, all they want to do is get away from Christmas. Is that too much to ask?!

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The Plot

When their daughter leaves town for Christmas, they decide not to celebrate Christmas and this makes their neighbours very upset.

It becomes news and even makes the papers when they refuse to decorate their home. They become hounded by everyone to free frosty and celebrate Christmas as they count down the days to their vacation cruise.

They're seen as bigger jerks when they refuse to donate to charity. To bring some Christmas cheer, their neighbour directs a local Christmas carolers to their front porch. This infuriates them more and causes Luther Krank to come up with ways to get them off his porch.

The pressure gets intense when their daughter surprisingly decides to come home for Christmas with her boyfriend and Nora Krank immediately plans a Christmas party leaving her husband frustrated with the turn of events.

They lie to their daughter Claire that their annual Christmas party was already planned but they had zero plans and no Christmas tree. Luther ends up stealing a tree and getting arrested and Nora finds it hard putting the party together as everyone she invites is already busy.

While finally setting up frosty on his roof Luther falls over and the whole neighbourhood comes out to save him. They enquire why he suddenly has a change of heart about celebrating Christmas. He explains to them Blair is coming home and they decide to not let the sin of the parents affect the daughter so they help out with the preparations.

As Blair gets closer to home, so many things go wrong as they try to create the semblance of the perfect Christmas party.


My Thoughts

This is one of the many Christmas movies of the early 2000s and they don't make them like this no more. It's pure comedy that didn't have to make sense but was very enjoyable.

I like this movie a lot because as much as it looks like an unrealistic story, it can very well be real. Not everyone is going to want to celebrate a holiday or an event in their life that everyone else is fussing over.

Luther was the grinch of Christmas and I feel like people don't understand the grinch. We all don't have to be in a jolly mood for Christmas and it's okay if one decides to skip the celebrations sometimes. It can get overwhelming and a break or low-key celebration hurts no one.

I particularly liked how the Kranks immediately switched to having a party just because their daughter was coming. It showed how much they cared for keeping the Christmas spirit for her because she loved it.

They had annoying neighbours but it was impressive how everyone showed up to help out with the Christmas party in the end. It shows the importance of communal spirit and how Christmas is the magic that brings everyone together.

It's such a fun family oriented Christmas movie I think every lover of Christmas movies should see.

Thanks for reading!


Discord - wolfofnostreet#4939

2.04996400 BEE

True there is magic in Christmas to bring people, friends and families together. That's the spirit of Christmas..

0E-8 BEE

And it's always so beautiful

0E-8 BEE

A funny movie, I had completely forgotten about it, I saw it a long time ago on a cable TV channel. I felt identified with the main characters, because I'm not in a good mood at Christmas time hahaha.

0E-8 BEE

Don't get kranky this Christmas please 😁

0E-8 BEE

Heey I remember I had seen this movie a long time ago, I didn't know its name but I liked it a lot, thanks for that memory haha.

0E-8 BEE


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