
Shackles are broken, the cuffs are loosed
No more shall you taste from the cup of misery
The scars will be a reminder from whence you come
So that your root would not be forgotten, like smoke blown to the wind

Before freedom was war, a price to pay
A story to tell to the freeborn, a sacrifice for their future
On the soil on which they trend, was a cost
To live a life as free birds, never to be held in chains again

Photo source

Let's dance to the tunes of tambourine
A melody of freedom, of broken chains and shackles
Let's sing songs of victory, we've regained our hope
Hope for the unborn, who may never know about our sacrifice

Fly high to the sky and spray your wings
No limitation, no fears, no boundaries
You're free , the birds sing aloud
You've fought a good fight, for the future unborn.

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