When I hear people tell their love story, I'm not surprised why they have to go through heartaches before they find the one that stays and some never even find, they just accept the "no love" side of life. Love is a feeling of joy and sadness, a package that if not thought out properly will give a whole dose of the bad side.
They say, we can't control our strong feelings even if we try hard to. I saw a movie some time ago, the lady couldn't stop crushing on a guy even after he got married, she tried all tactics to seduce him and make him for her but failed. I think a crush/love at such stage is an obsession that should be checked and advised against.
Well, a long time ago I thought our feelings was something to take lightly since we own it and we could control it as much as we try to. I mean, I knew very little about love back then but when it happened to me, I understood very early that I was having a strong feeling for someone. Mine wasn't the regular "Love at first sight" love story.
It was my first service with the church there after my family moved to a new place not very far from the church. I saw this handsome and well dressed boy in church after the close of service. Honestly, I didn't think much into it, it was just the appreciation of God's work in him and I was like "Hmm he looks so cool" and we all went home.
What I never knew after was that I was up for a heartstruck moment the next day. I don't know if this only happens to me, you crossing paths with someone after a first encounter as if you two planned it. Mine was quite different but in that line. Since we had moved to a new place, I had to change school and yes! We were in same class.
When I saw him again sitting at the back, I felt the difficulty to breathe as I couldn't believe we would meet again that way. He smiled at me acknowledging that he had seen me before but it wasn't a smile to get close to me or anything so I understood and just focused on other things like getting acquainted with friends and my school.
I knew I was in trouble when I saw him from behind, a few steps away as he was walking home. We were both going to the same direction as he was living not so far from our new place. I couldn't make him know I was behind him, I just kept admiring how neat and well dressed he was even in his uniform. I just walked slowly behind.
I watched him take a turn that led to his place but the opposite of where I had to follow to get mine, I felt so sad when I couldn't see him anymore but the excitement that came the next morning as I prepared for school was unexplainable. I didn't get any greedy, I just wanted to always see him and watch him both in school and in church.
Until this day, I never got to tell him how I felt just watching even after I found out he had a girlfriend in school. I was just wishing in my heart that he would come to see that I like him and he would realize he likes me too but that never happened. Over time, we became friends that today if we meet, we laugh about all stuff but my love for him was one he never got to know about.
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Cuando escucho a la gente contar su historia de amor, no me sorprende que tengan que pasar por dolores de cabeza antes de encontrar a la persona que se queda, y algunos ni siquiera la encuentran, simplemente aceptan el lado "sin amor" de la vida. El amor es un sentimiento de alegría y tristeza, un paquete que, si no se piensa bien, dará lugar a una dosis completa de lo malo.
Dicen que no podemos controlar nuestros fuertes sentimientos, aunque nos esforcemos. Hace un tiempo vi una película en la que una mujer no podía dejar de estar enamorada de un hombre, incluso después de que se casara. Intentó todas las tácticas posibles para seducirlo y conquistarlo, pero fracasó. Creo que un enamoramiento/amor en esa etapa es una obsesión que se debe controlar y evitar.
Bueno, hace mucho tiempo pensé que nuestros sentimientos eran algo que se debía tomar a la ligera, ya que los teníamos y podíamos controlarlos tanto como intentáramos. Quiero decir, sabía muy poco sobre el amor en ese entonces, pero cuando me pasó, entendí muy pronto que estaba sintiendo algo fuerte por alguien. La mía no fue la típica historia de amor de "amor a primera vista".
Fue mi primer servicio en la iglesia después de que mi familia se mudó a un nuevo lugar no muy lejos de la iglesia. Vi a este chico guapo y bien vestido en la iglesia después del cierre del servicio. Honestamente, no pensé mucho en eso, fue solo el aprecio por la obra de Dios en él y pensé: "Hmm, se ve tan genial" y todos nos fuimos a casa.
Lo que nunca supe después fue que me esperaba un momento de desilusión al día siguiente. No sé si esto solo me pasa a mí, que te cruces con alguien después de un primer encuentro como si lo hubieran planeado los dos. El mío fue bastante diferente pero en esa línea. Como nos habíamos mudado a un nuevo lugar, tuve que cambiar de escuela y ¡sí! Estábamos en la misma clase.
Cuando lo volví a ver sentado al fondo, sentí la dificultad para respirar ya que no podía creer que nos volveríamos a encontrar de esa manera. Me sonrió reconociendo que me había visto antes pero no era una sonrisa para acercarse a mí ni nada por el estilo así que lo entendí y solo me concentré en otras cosas como conocer a mis amigos y mi escuela.
Sabía que estaba en problemas cuando lo vi desde atrás, a unos pasos de distancia mientras caminaba hacia su casa. Ambos íbamos en la misma dirección, ya que él vivía no muy lejos de nuestro nuevo hogar. No podía hacerle saber que estaba detrás de él, solo seguí admirando lo ordenado y bien vestido que estaba, incluso con su uniforme. Simplemente caminé lentamente detrás.
Lo vi tomar un giro que conducía a su casa, pero al contrario de donde yo tenía que seguir para llegar a la mía. Me sentí muy triste cuando ya no pude verlo, pero la emoción que sentí a la mañana siguiente mientras me preparaba para la escuela era inexplicable. No me volví codiciosa, solo quería verlo siempre y observarlo tanto en la escuela como en la iglesia.
Hasta el día de hoy, nunca pude decirle cómo me sentía simplemente viéndolo, incluso después de descubrir que tenía una novia en la escuela. Solo deseaba en mi corazón que él llegara a ver que me gustaba y que se diera cuenta de que yo también le gustaba, pero eso nunca sucedió. Con el tiempo, nos hicimos amigos y hoy, si nos encontramos, nos reímos de todo, pero mi amor por él fue algo que él nunca llegó a conocer.
Las imágenes son generadas por IA
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One of the most beautiful and at the same time torturing things is to see someone you like every day, but with whom you have absolutely nothing, one ends up being happy just to look at that person that we like so much.
Haha you're right, it's beautiful and torturing really. I guess we have to accept it that way sometimes.
Cada uno tememos una historia de amor distinta y esa diversidad es hermosa.
Te felicito. Gracias por contar la tuya.
Bien, gracias por leer el mío.
Lograste superar todo ese cúmulo de sentimientos que guardabas dentro. No puedo imaginar lo que sentiste. Se nota que tienes mucho temple, Además supiste manejar la situación de la mejor manera. Saludos. Gracias por participar en nuestra comunidad.
I guess I do have that even though I didn't acknowledge that back then. Feels good to talk about it now, thanks for the community.
Look how crazy...I know that feeling of being in love without the other person knowing about it, it always happens to us. I identified with your story, I loved reading it, thanks for sharing it with us, greetings!
Glad you can relate with my story, thanks for stopping by sis.
Por lo menos te pudiste acercar siendo ya grande y aunque no se enteró de nada, te animaste a tener una relación de amistad. Gracias por participar en nuestra iniciativa.
At least you were able to approach him as a grown-up and even though he didn't know anything about it, you were encouraged to have a friendly relationship. Thank you for participating in our initiative.
Yeah, it feels better than not having to talk with him at all.
Thanks for having me.
If only the boy knew your feelings towards him, maybe it would have been a different story today, maybe you guys might even be a couple today. I know how it feels to have feelings for someone who doesn’t even know anything about it, I have been there before
Haha a couple today? 😂 I doubt I imagined us being a couple for this long lol.
I guess we are many who have been there before.
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